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Inbox - Rodrigues

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10 May 2008 12:36  

Number of messages: 77
I write you about the translation you asked me:

In which way, then, is called a Christian someone who doesn't want neither to say nor to memorize either the few Faith's Words, through it he could be saved, or the Lord's Prayer (ndt. Pater Noster) whom the Lord himself established as a prayer?

OK...i try to explain the translation. At first i write it in Italian (i Have to translate from Latin in Italian, and then from Italian to English...i'm not able to do it into english at once)

In che modo infatti si definisce Cristiano colui che non vuole né dire né memorizzare le poche parole della fede attraverso la quale deve essere salvato e anche della preghiera del Signore (ndt. il Padre Nostro) che lo stesso Signore stabilì per preghiera?

So...there is someone who speaks about how to be a Christian. And there are 2 things important: to say and memorize the "Words of the Faith" and to say and memorize "the Lord's Prayer".

These are important statements because:
1)You can be saved through "Words of the faith".
2)"The Lord's Prayer" is something He decided.

So... if you don't follow His rules, you cannot be said a christian

12 May 2008 12:27  

Number of messages: 8113
Hm ...funny to build bridges.
Ok, here is the two first: (I have to work a bit on the third)
(hei. du jeg kjønner ikke hvorfor vi krangler det..)
I don't know why we make things difficult, there is no (special) thing or do we makes things difficult viewed on the whole. you must answer me because I don't know what is wrong....
I like you.
(hei. du er du sur på meg. for det virker sånn...)
are you sulky at me.(?) it seems like that. sorry that I couldn't come. say hello to the others.
I like you.

12 May 2008 12:47  

Number of messages: 8113
Here is the third one.
Have a nice day Franz, do you have summer down there now?
Hello !

A small change for the delivery address to Elkjøp Lørenskog.
They have now two delivery addresses
Address 1: Solheimsveien 6-8. Elkjøp/Lefdal distribution (of goods) here comes the big orders from Bjørnar.
Adress 2: Solheimsveien 10. Elkjøp Stormarked that is a shop. At the order its written Solheimsveien 10. Remember to change the del.adr. at the order.

Best regards

Liv R. Schrøder
Delivery Coordinator

13 May 2008 07:18  

Number of messages: 42
Dank´ dir vielmals für deinen Tipp, die Übersetzung mit den "Liebesecken" betreffend. Ich hab´ sie soeben deiner/eurer Korrekturvorschläge entsprechend bearbeitet.
Bis zum nächsten Mal!

22 May 2008 20:14  

Number of messages: 1285

Hello, I'm fine, thanks for asking.
Sure, I can bridge it to you in English.

But there is a problem with this one, it has no diacritics and the requester is a native speaker. If you do translate it in this form, there is a big chance for the translation to be rejected.

Don't worry about the points



26 May 2008 21:33  

Number of messages: 464
This is what I could understand from it, my Latin's a bit rusty.
I suggest some Latin expert should proofread this, as I'm not too sure about some parts.

When he was told (got a message) the encampment in Germania was under siege then, he came to their help through enemy posts with Gallic nature.
In Brundisium he was between divisions of opponents with his companions with whom he spent winter in Dyrachium.
After he was awaiting his troups there, which he had left in Italy, in vain, he secretly got off the little ship alone.
When the enormous streams were pushing, he warned the sailors, who were terrified out of fear of death, in this way: "Caesar is sailing with you, and Caesar's fortune!"

Well, I hope it helps in some way!


28 May 2008 23:22  

Number of messages: 1206
In the second text there are some expressions that I'm not sure how to translate them.

28 May 2008 23:27  

Number of messages: 1206
You're wellcome to ask me for any other text if you need.

2 June 2008 17:20  

Number of messages: 1285


Can you please help me?
Can you build an English bridge,for this text here ?

I don't read German, and this one has to be translated in Romanian.

Why are you allowed to translate only into German? It would have been much easier to translate it.

Thank you in advance. I really hope you can help. But if you can't, it is OK, of course.
Have a nice day!


2 June 2008 17:34  

Number of messages: 1285

I requested English, hoping someone who is online will translate it.

Let me see those Romanian-German translations; I'll get back to you.


2 June 2008 17:53  

Number of messages: 1285

Here you are:

"Acum 26 de ani statele au început să protejeze mediul pentru că au realizat că poluarea duce la pierderea planetei.Din această cauză tările au început să coopereze pentru a opri poluarea."

26 years ago, the countries (states, nations) started to protect the environment, because they became conscious (realized) the pollution will lead to the loss of the planet. For that reason, the countries started (began) to cooperate to put a stop to pollution. (Bring pollution to an end)

Nu vii la noi? No, te pup. Pa!

Don’t you want to came by (visit us)? No, kisses. Bye!

This one is a little bit unclear in Romanian. I don't understand that "no"...

Hope it's O.K. and it helps.


2 June 2008 18:10  

Number of messages: 1285

Have a nice day, and if you need some help, please don't hesitate to ask.


3 June 2008 12:18  

Number of messages: 1285

No rain, just a few clouds on the sky. A day, but not to hot.

In other words, PERFECT.


4 June 2008 16:26  

Number of messages: 4
Thank you for the translation!

4 June 2008 23:09  

Number of messages: 930
Hey that text unfortunately can't be written in a better way. As much as I can see it means something like this:

If there's been a day or a night that I was not crying because of you and this situation, since you're gone. Do you know how my eyes are burning and how my tears are running out.

I recommend you not to translate it because it can have a bit different meaning with some very similar words. I'm sorry but I think this text will be denied soon because we're not likely to guess what the author wanted to say

16 June 2008 08:08  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Alô Franz.
Eu tenho uma forte impressão de que é lição de casa.

16 June 2008 08:23  

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Olha, eu não prometo elas 100% fiéis, mas dá pra tentar.

18 June 2008 00:35  

Number of messages: 1474
Habe es verbessert, danke für die Verbesserung.

13 July 2008 11:20  

Number of messages: 41
Hello Rodriguez
Deinem Namen nach bist spanischer Herkunft und da deine Hauptsprache deutsch ist lebst du vermutlich in einem deutschsprachigen Land. Es ist wirklich schwer mit Hilfe einer,wir nannten dies als Kinder Eselsbrücke in eine fremde Sprache, bzw. aus einer fremden Sprache übersetzt. Und der Versuch ist dir fast gelungen wäre nicht das verflixte Wort aufarbeiten.
"Aufarbeiten" sagt man in deutsch, wenn man etwas begonnen hat und lange liegen gelassen hatte. pierderea hat den ursprünglichen Sinn "verlieren". Im übertragenen Sinn kann man auch aus dem Kontext zerstören sagen. Bitte ändere das "aufarbeiten"
um und ich gebe Dir den Punkt für richig.

14 August 2008 12:30  

Number of messages: 3389
Hi Rodrigues,

are you musical at all?
Could you give me a hand here?
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