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Prevod - 著作権違反 (Japanski)

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18 Oktobar 2010 03:42  
This is simple japanese into english translation of text done by me!

1.Please do not illegally up-load my copyrighted works.

2.Authors are workers too!!
Authors are working by creating copyrighted works!
When you buy,your money will be pay for their works!!
Laborer is worthy of his hire!,who does wonder?
That's natural!
Authors just want pay for their working!
This is not special right,it's common sense!!

No pay will get authors to lose the energy to create works!
You want to work without pay ?
Of course,not!!
It's same thing!

You Could Understand?

21 Oktobar 2010 16:59  

Broj poruka: 7963
1.Please do not illegally up-load my copyrighted works.

2.Authors are workers too!!
Authors work by creating copyrighted work (software? texts?).
When you pay, your money will pay for their work.
[I don't understand the next line about the laborer.]
Authors just want to be paid for their work.
This is not a privilege; it's common sense.

No pay will make authors lose the energy to create new things.
Do you want to work without pay?
Of course not.
It's the same thing.

Can you understand?

22 Oktobar 2010 18:27  
Thank you for replying very quickly,Kafetzou-sama!
Your comment is very close to what i want to say.

In this text,work means "comics","illustlations".

The line you didn't understand is "After working, everybody has the right to receive pay."
I do not say very well...does it make sense?

23 Oktobar 2010 00:56  

Broj poruka: 1263
you can add chinese translation request , then will be helped.

23 Oktobar 2010 06:11  
Pluiepoco-sama,Thank you very much for coming here.

Exsuse me,i have already add chinese translation request,文語体中国語.

文語体中国語 is different from chinese?

Now i cannot add any kind of language request,because my points is run out.

I try to get pointes,so it takes a few times.
Please wait.

23 Oktobar 2010 11:12  

Broj poruka: 1263
No, it is ancient Chinese, which is not spoken in today's China.

23 Oktobar 2010 14:13  
I didn`t know that,thank you for telling me.
I thought 文語体中国語 is more formal style than 中国簡体字 and 中国語.

Now i got many points by doing translation of 西遊記 into japanese and the others,and requested 中国簡体字 translation request,because i saw the information that 中国簡体字 is used in today's beijing,but is it correct?

If it is correct,than what does 中国語 mean?
Taiwan-chinese or 中国語繁体字 or something?


23 Oktobar 2010 19:43  

Broj poruka: 7963
Now that I know what the work is, I had to make some changes, as follows:

1.Please do not illegally up-load my copyrighted work.

2.Artists are workers too!!
Artists work by creating copyrighted work.
When you pay, your money will pay for their work.
Everyone has the right to receive payment for their work.
Artists just want to be paid for their work.
This is not a privilege; it's common sense.

Without pay, artists will lose the energy to create new things.
Do you want to work without pay?
Of course not.
It's the same thing.

Can you understand?

There is only one question: Do you want it to say "artists" (in general - all artists), "the artists" (referring to specific ones, such as you and whoever you work with), or even "the artist", referring specifically to you alone?

23 Oktobar 2010 22:53  

Broj poruka: 12396

ミハイル , please post me herunder what you mean with :

This is not used in today's china" appear when requesting 文語体中国語?

If I post this information like it is expressed here above, I'm afraid people will still be confused.

I'll copy-past what you'll post and add it in the remarks field, ok?


23 Oktobar 2010 23:54  

Broj poruka: 7963
Hi Francky

He means that this language is not used in today's China. Pluiepoco told him that - you can see this in this conversation (above).

P.S. I love your new photo!

24 Oktobar 2010 00:16  

Broj poruka: 12396
Hi Kaf!

I still don't understand what it is about, more precisely I don't know whether this information (Ancient Chinese) is related to part of the text, or to the whole text (moreover it is submitted as being Japanese). So it would be much easier to me if ミハイル could post exactly what I've got to add in the remarks field. See what I mean?


24 Oktobar 2010 01:53  
What i mean is not related to this japanese text at all.I just introduced pluiepoco's message "Literally chinese is not used--- " as a evidence.

I just want you to make explanation about Literally chinese appear when checking Literally chinese in this page.

When you checking english,some explanation about engish appear like this

When you checking portuguese,some explanation about portugues like this

I just want you to make explanation about literally chinese appear.

Explanation will be like this.
This language is acient china,now this is not used in today's china.

24 Oktobar 2010 09:30  

Broj poruka: 7963
literally --> literary?

24 Oktobar 2010 11:57  

Broj poruka: 12396
Well, after some headache, I think I finally understood what you would like me to do, ミハイル.

Unfortunately, I haven't got the tools to do that.

Only JP can do something for you about it.

Best regards,

JP, ミハイル demande s'il serait possible de créer une "popping window" pour le chinois. Quant à savoir ce qu'il faut y stipuler exactement, tu devras déchiffrer son anglais pour le savoir, il ne comprend pas mon anglais et je ne comprends pas le sien. Bon courage!

CC: jp

24 Oktobar 2010 17:35  
Thank you for relying.

I had a headache too because I didn't know how i could make you understood what i would like to say.

Do you know how hard i try to inform my idea in foreign language?

I was called "moron" many times,so there's no way if you do not what moron like me want to say,so I am not good at speaking english like you.

24 Oktobar 2010 23:39  

Broj poruka: 12396
I'm not considering myself that good in English, ask kafetzou, she'll tell you how hard it was for her to understand me some time ago!

English is not my mother-tongue, and I seldom (VERY seldom) allow me to translate a text into English, because when I write in English, I do not sound like a native would.

I never meant you were a moron, Mihai, and I'll never think so. Sorry if my "headache" let you think I was despising towards your English, I wasn't willing to hurt you.

Just that I was willing to help but if I can't understand clearly what people want me to do, this is some kind of frustrating as I'd really want to help but I just couldn't.


25 Oktobar 2010 00:04  

Broj poruka: 7963
Francky, I've always understood you, as I understand Mikhail (I think that's what ミハイル's name is) most of the time. The difficulty is just when two people who's English isn't perfect are trying to communicate with each other.

Anyhow, I think you're both doing a great job of trying to make it work.


25 Oktobar 2010 00:26  

Broj poruka: 12396
Thanks Kaf!

That's what I told JP in French about Mikhail "Il ne comprend pas mon anglais et je ne comprends pas le sien" He does not understand my English, and I don't understand his."

Mikhail, if you could provide JP the text that is to be appearing in this pop-up window, about Ancient Chinese, this would help him.

Kafetzou will proofread this text and she will post it here. (if you don't mind doing that kaf, that would help Mikhail to have this pop-up fixed as well as JP who would save some time before he does it)


25 Oktobar 2010 02:13  

Broj poruka: 7963
Sure - no problem. By the way, my English isn't perfect either - I just noticed that I wrote "who's" instead of "whose" above. We call that ESL-teacher syndrome ...

25 Oktobar 2010 09:44  
Very sorry,i shouldn't have writen message to you when i was irritated with other things.

I took it out on you although you tried to help me very much.

"Headaches" was not the word which would hurt me,now i understood.
It means I just did not explain you situation.
Ok,if you didn't understand,You should've not be blamed. Everything was because of me!

Sorry for confusing you.

Francky-sama,so could i write some message about not only acient chinese but also chinese spoken in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangdong,Fujiang,Hongkong,Makao,Malaysia,Singapore,and Taiwan?

Ok,so i submited here,but it make not only you but also Kafetzou-sama suffer from heavy headache because of a bunch of message!!

I examined chinese a little using wikipedia,and memory that i've heared from my beijing friend when i was a high school student,and japanese friend born in taiwan.

Sorry for confusing you once again.

"This language(文語体中国語) is not used in china today,this used to be spoken in ancient china.
If you would like to request for chinese spoken in Beijing(北京),and Shanghai(上海),
Please request for chinese simplified(中国語簡体字).
If you would like to request for chinese spoken in Guandong(広東),HongKong(香港),Makao(澳門),and Taiwan(台湾or中華民国),
Please request for traditional chinese (中国語繁体字).

Do not forget which kind of chinese you are requesting after you requested chinese simplified(中国語簡体字) or traditional chinese(中国語繁体字)
because Chinese(中国語) has different dialect,and intonation and Ortography in each area,
Singapore(新加坡共和国),Malaysia(馬來西亞),and Taiwan(台湾or中華民国).

Generally spaking,Beijing-chinese(北京語) is used in today's beijing,and are considered as standard chinese in chinese spoken area all over the world.
Shanghai-chinese(上海語) is used in today's china,but used in shang-hai only.
Guangdong-chinese(広東語) is used in today's Hongkong,Makao,Guangdong,and decendents of Guangdong people in Malaysia,Singapore use this language.
Fujian-chinese(福建語) is used in today's fujian,but there are many decendents of fujiang people which speak this language in Malaysia,Singapore,and Taiwan.
Hakka-chinese(客家語) is used between decendents of Hakka people are living in Taiwan,Malaysia,and Singapore etc.
Taiwan-chinese(台湾語) is used between taiwan people when they are doing daily conversation,but now young people who use Beijing-chinese,not use taiwan-chinese are increasing.Old people(7~80 years old) of taiwanese use japanese(日本語),because they were educated in japanese under political control of japan(in 1940's) but they are decreasing now.(Ex.Lee Teng-hui(李登輝)7th~9th term of president of Taiwan can speak standard japanese(spoken in tokyo) very very fluently.)"

Sorry,i cannot write message anymore...
please let me sleep.

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