Cucumis - Novosti
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15 April 2019 | Not dead ? ! ?A backend update for cucumis !
Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters.
First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago).
Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashed.
And finally a [DELETE SPAMMER] button for admins.
Happy 2019 to all of you! | |
23 Maj 2011 | Dobro, kasno je da vam poželim Novu godinu...Dobro, kasno je da vam poželim srećnu Novu godinu... PriliÄno sam zauzet trenutnim poslom, ali ipak mislim na vas, dragi prijatelji i kolege sa
lilian canale i Francky5591 se i dalje staraju o administraciji, a sada im pomažu i Bamsa , Freya i gamine , takođe vredni radnici!
Sada imamo rubriku Često postavljana pitanja, koja je izgleda bila veoma tražena, a takođe i nove, veoma mlade i veoma kompetentne eksperte, jer vrednost ne zavisi od godina!
Druga novina, ali ne i manje važna, od sada na sajtu imamo i integrisani Google pretraživaÄ, od velike koristi korisnicima, stalnim Älanovima, ekspertima i administratorima koji traže već prevoÄ‘ene tekstove na
Nije nikakva tajna, vrlo sam zauzet poslom nezavisnog kreatora video igrica. Ako želite da vidite zaÅ¡to se ne pojavljujem Äesto, možete posetiti iPhone igrice koje pravim.
InaÄe, najpre ću vam odgovoriti na twitter-u ako želite da me kontaktirate. | |
28 Januar 2010 | Happy new year 2010 to all cucumis ...Happy new year 2010 to all cucumis fellows! (No, it's not too late! But of course the happy year has started also on the forum).
Many new experts were added these days, thanks to them for accepting to help.
Of course thanks to the super admins lilian canale & Francky5591 for managing the site.
So many improvements are waiting in the todo list, so I hope I can implement some of them this year! | | Podnet od jp |
13 Avgust 2008 | | |
13 Mart 2008 | Zdravo! Cucumis je promenio server.Zdravo!
Cucumis je promenio server. JuÄe smo dostigli 15 000 posetilaca, divno...
Korisnici Hotmail-a, ukoliko više ne dobijate naša e-mail obaveštenja, koristite opciju "Promeniti e-mail adresu" (na stranici Vašeg profila).
Ova poruka je prilika da se joÅ¡ jednom zahvalimo neverovatnom udruženju cucumis.org. Kvalitet prevoda se poboljÅ¡ava iz dana u dan. ViÅ¡e od 100 struÄnjaka danas vrÅ¡i recenzije prevoda, divno.
 Takođe je važno da se zna da su Francky5591 & goncin sada super cucumis administratori sa super cucumis moćima. Sada imamo ne jednu (1), ne dve (2), već tri (3) danske "zveri"... | |
12 Juli 2007 | 2 years old!Happy birthday Cucumis!
46000 members so far, 5000 visitors and 100 translations done everyday. A strong community is born with a common interest in languages.
A huge thanks to experts, administrators and members contributing everyday.
I can't list all the improvements made to the site since the last blog entry. As the experts are the core of the system, all has been done, and will be done to make their work easier. And by the way... we need more experts!
Everyday I'm amazed by the fantastic people we meet on cucumis and that is the true victory!
All the best! | |
29 Decembar 2006 | Happy new year 2007!A long time since my last post!
There is so much to tell! I will try to do it as quick as possible.
A nice article about cucumis was written by Mickael Arrington founder of the famous techcrunch blog reviewing the new web 2.0 products. Despite the article was quite incomplete about what we are doing here, it was very useful to reveal Cucumis to the entire world. Hundreds of blog articles were posted after this article, Cucumis was even featured on Finnish and French television. I've read many of those articles (those I can understand) and I was very pleased to see that most of the writers who tested the service was very satisfied by the quality of the translations we do here. Congratulations to all translators and, of course, to the great team of experts.
Now the new features.
This is new :
- Until now, cucumis was not designed for people who can't speak a foreign language. Now it is! If you can't translate anything, we give you 300 points every 10 day!
- Who is online, charts about new members every day, and country ratio.
- Translation statistics. Looking at the pie chart of the translations to be evaluated, you can view the languages in which we need experts (Norwegian, Hungarian, Hindi, Swedish, Kurdish, Arabic, Korean, Albanian ...).
This is very new :
All members can now add translations in their favorites. You can view the list of your favorite translations from your profile page, and there is also a top favorite translations list.
This is very very new :
When the experts can't understand the source text of a translation, they still can evaluate the linguistic form of the translation but they can't for the meaning. Now, for the evalutations they can't do alone, they can ask for the opinion of all cucumis.org members. According to the informations of your profile, you will be asked now and then to give your opinion on some translations. After collecting enough votes to make up ones mind, the translation is accepted or rejected.
Bye and happy new year to all of you! | |
3 Septembar 2006 | Major improvementsHi all, I've added 3 features to Cucumis which are worth being mentioned here.
1. email notification
From now, you can be notified by email when somebody ask for a translation that matches your language preferences. There is a 2 days delay before being notified. This delay give us the time to check the eventual mistakes on the target and source languages and maybe to give the priority to people who often check the website. The functionnality is not fully tested, so you might expect some bugs in the next few weeks.
To use it, simply check the box "Zelim da budem obavesten putem email-a u slucaju da novi zahtev za prevod odgovara mom profilu" on the translation homepage, and submit by clicking on the blue arrow.
2. RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
You can now use the RSS format in your favorite RSS reader to be warned about new available translations mathcing your language preferences. On the requested translations pages (for example this one), you can see the rss icon  that links to the rss url. Simply add this url in your rss reader to be daily informed about new translation requests.
Using the netvibes start page (netvibes is one of the best rss reader, I recommend it), this is an example of what you can get :
3. administrators and experts
Until now, translations was to be checked one by one and the load was very high for administrators and experts. Now they can check several translations in one click. I hope we can have more translations checked by our talented experts with this new system, and offer better quality to everybody.
That's all
Note that the greek interface has been recently added. Most of the job was done by irini! Thanks!
...and thanks to all contributors!
Bye! | |
2 April 2006 | 5000 membersMore than 5000 members have registered with cucumis.org and it's the opportunity to remind that without its members cucumis.org is nothing. Thanks to the members who spend part of their spare time for the community and a special thanks to the experts of cucumis, who check and edit all translations to make them as good as possible.
Waiting for the 10000th member, there is a lot of work to do here, making the interface more clear, the search of translations more easy, developing the project section, and the language course section too...
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22 Januar 2006 | Pad serveraJuÄe je pao server cucumis.org.
Vraćeni su podaci od 9.januara. Mnogi prevodi, poruke, wiki Älanci i Älanovi su izgubljeni, veoma mi je žao zbog toga. Svi avatari su takodje izgubljeni. Pozivam obrisane Älanove da se ponovo registruju i ostave poruku na forumu kako bi dobili svoj predjaÅ¡nji status. (Broj poena, zvanje Eksperta itd...). Pozivaju se svi Älanovi da traže nazad svoje poene.
Nadam se da se ovo neće ponovo dogoditi, jer sam ceo vikend proveo u pokušaju to da popravim, ali još uvek nije kompletirano. | |
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