Cucumis - निशुल्क अन्-लाइन अनुबाद सेवा
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Inbox - pias

नतिजा 21 - 40 (जम्मा लगभग 332)
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2007年 डिसेम्बर 1日 14:38  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 2247
Sure I also love to see the rising of the sun... As you can remember my last avatar, .

Uh, Yes, I'm trying a biology course in two universities and at the third is environment tecnology.

Var rädd om dig to you too! Abraços means HUGS.

2007年 डिसेम्बर 4日 19:14  

casper tavernello
चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 5057
Check this out

2007年 डिसेम्बर 7日 19:31  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 641
Just det, jag skulle ju berätta om mig själv också. Jag jobbar inte så mycket med språk, jag är framför allt student (ännu...). Jag läser medicin (till läkare) på tredje året. Jag har faktiskt pluggat en massa och jobbat ganska lite. Läste ryska i tre år på folkis, ett och ett halvt år i Moskva och St Petersburg och ett år på Stockholms universitet. Har läst enjätteliten kurs i engelska också, men det var länge sedan. Har haft några små språkjobb också (riktigt små, typ frilans) och ett gäng andra sommarjobb och vikariat här och där :-)

2007年 डिसेम्बर 7日 19:35  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 641
Det var nog det mesta om min "karriär" i detaljer :-) De här studierna är det första riktigt långvariga jag gör och nu har jag för första gången bott riktigt länge på samma ställe :-)

2007年 डिसेम्बर 11日 03:43  

casper tavernello
चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 5057
Hej Pia.
Kan "galen" användas för att översätta ett uttryck som betyder "a temperature that suddenly changes, for example, from stormy to sunny, hot to cold, etc." här.


2007年 डिसेम्बर 11日 12:02  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 1014
you are an expert now!


2007年 डिसेम्बर 15日 14:35  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 2247
Here it is a googlelized version of it. hehehe.

2007年 डिसेम्बर 16日 19:40  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 2247
Hi Pia!
Yes it is! I love that one...
Thank you for reading them! thank you very much!
Well you should publish yours!
I love to see what people think about them... Worth more for me than only see my family opinions... they are always nice hehe.

I should see some of yours later if you send me... hehe. Beijos.

2007年 डिसेम्बर 19日 19:28  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 1335
our discussion doesnt really fit under this translation anymore, i think Let's go on via private message =)

well, actually I dont think its a very creative nickname, but it was obviously the first one that slipped in my mind when registering (looong time ago) There's a very famous song by Reinhard Fendrich, where it says "I am from Austria, da da daa da da" - but probably its only popular here

Btw, you can call me Heidrun as well =) It aint much shorter, but at least a bit.

Really? I didn't know that their dialect was so hard to understand (as i dont understand ANY swedish -except from a few words but only in written language). Seems to be like Vorarlberg in Austria - their dialect is also very difficult to understand!

hehe there are quite a lot pages at wikipedia about Wels. At least in german language. But actually, its not a very important city considering others like Linz, Innsbruck or Vienna of course.

Good night,

2007年 डिसेम्बर 21日 08:49  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 35
Hej Pia!
Hur är läget?
Jag maste säga att din profil är imponerande.
Jag hoppas höra fran dig snart.Ar du pa chatten ibland?
Jag önskar dig en riktig god jul och ett gott nytt ar med ett riktigt svenskt julbord.Tyvärr finns det inte i Frankrike.

Förresten mitt namn är Julie.

2007年 डिसेम्बर 21日 12:48  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 1335
No, at the time there isnt even enough space for another illness.. Today I spent the whole morning with cycling from one doctor to the other but none of them knew what the reason for my mysterious stomachache is...

Just for interest: Do you have an own bakery? And what kind of bread do you make? Also whole-meal-bread, which the italians dont know?

2007年 डिसेम्बर 21日 16:07  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 1335
Wow, I really couldnt do that.. getting up at 4 It's hard enough to get up at 7...!! Isn't it weird, when you start working while everyone else is still sleeping, the whole city?

Well never mind, i think my mom already got some recipe. even if its not the "original" one.
knäckebröd only consists of wheat, water and perhaps a little salt, doesnt it? Its far below your skills!

True, for the flu for example, its better just to sweat everything out and let your body fight against the virus. But for chemo-therapy, which seems to be enormously painful, its really good to have medicaments which relief at least some pain.


2007年 डिसेम्बर 23日 10:25  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 972
Looks like you need to work a little more on the translation...see my previous email. Right now it is even for and against on the vote, but I think if you feel you want to adjust it again, we could get a better positive vote. It is up to you.

2007年 डिसेम्बर 24日 08:26  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 1621
Hi pias,

thank you also for all bridges! I wish you all the best for christmas, specially health, peace and happiness!
Hopely we'll continue to help us each other in 2008.

2007年 डिसेम्बर 25日 16:50  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 2747
Hi Pia

A very merry Christmas to you too.

I hope 2008 brings you thousands of nice translations to do.


2007年 डिसेम्बर 25日 19:06  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 972
This is a comment on your translation. It isn't in English so I don't know what he said.

25 December 2007 18:51

Number of messages: 12 Ønsker en redegørelse på baggrund af analyse og fortolkning af kvinde og ægteskab for så vidt angår stolthed og fordom

2007年 डिसेम्बर 29日 04:12  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 1671
Hi Pia,
Thank you for your kind note!
I hope you had a very good Christmas, and that the New Year will also bring you many wonderful surprises!
Enjoy the vacation!
Live, Love, Learn, Laugh...

2007年 डिसेम्बर 30日 12:21  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 1621
Hi pias,

points transmitted.

all ok


2008年 जनवरी 5日 08:42  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 2481
Hi pias! you wrote in a forun thread:
"Very often people seem to write their comments/notes and post them direct to my "inbox", instead of to write them on the translation-page. It's a bit tricky then to figure out wich translation they are talking about."

in these cases, I ask them to send me the address of the page they are talking about


2008年 जनवरी 5日 16:30  

चिठ्ठीको सङ्ख्या: 972

What do you think? Do you agree with this?

Author Message

5 January 2008 16:05

Number of messages: 4 I would rather translate: "Hvordan har i det i Kina" into:
"How are you in China?"
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