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Входящи - B. TransРезултати 1 - 4 от около 4 | | | 6 Май 2008 10:22 | | ممكن اعر٠Øضرتك رÙضت ترجمتى ليه | | 6 Юни 2008 10:37 | |
Hello, I am sorry to bother you
Can I have your attention for just one minute?
Could you please take a look here and maybe use my English version as a bridge? This was requested in Arabic.
I will be extremely grateful to you. Thank you very very very much!
Madeleine | | 26 Юни 2008 08:02 | | | | 3 Юли 2008 15:19 | | I would be pleased to get into touch with you from time to time, if agreed on your side. I'm a French and my hobby among others is to translate from arabic to french. to this respect, I'm working on a project of a dictionary french arabic, possibly english, based on all media language. It's something ambitious and takes much of my time. |
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