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Translation - "Mme de Bovary" part (Engels)

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2 February 2012 19:17  

Number of messages: 3389
I don't think 'indeed' fits here. How about 'actually'?

2 February 2012 20:17  

Number of messages: 143
Yes, "actually" seems okay. Prettier than my "of course".

But doesn't that sounds like a little weird?
I'd rephrase to
"Each of them, did not look actually like this one.".
I do not know if this is correct, but I think it sounds better that way.

And... what about "obviously"?
"Each of them, obviously, did not look like this one."

Anyway Lein, you are more suited than me to choose properly, as this kinda stuff is outta my league.
We are on the thin line of the English subtlety.


3 February 2012 13:50  

Number of messages: 3389
OK. I have changed it to 'actually'.
The place of 'actually' will change the meaning here.
Where it is now, it has an impact on the sentence: 'it is actually so that each of them' etc
'did not actually look like' would almost result in a contradiction to what was expected or said before, as in 'we said the room is warm, but it is not actually very warm'
'obviously' is a bit more like 'of course' in its meaning: it is obvious (very clear) that etc.

Could we PLEASE leave this now? I think the translation works. I really don't want to keep changing little details. Please don't reply unless there is something important you have noticed that absolutely needs changing.

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