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ترجمه - I'll be the happiest girl (انگلیسی)

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17 سپتامبر 2010 16:48  

lilian canale
تعداد پیامها: 14972
Hi Bilge,

Please check if there's something missing in your translation. I think you skipped a line

17 سپتامبر 2010 18:37  

Bilge Ertan
تعداد پیامها: 921
Hi Lilian Canale.
Yes, I skipped a line, I'm sorry. I have completed the translation now. I hope there aren't many mistakes. Thank you.

17 سپتامبر 2010 18:52  

lilian canale
تعداد پیامها: 14972
I have some doubts.

I'll be the happiest girl in the world if you talk about (with?) your Turkish fans even (at least?) once


We breath with (because of?) you

See (look at?)

17 سپتامبر 2010 19:23  

Bilge Ertan
تعداد پیامها: 921
For the first sentence, it doesn't mean to talk with Turkish fans. The writer of this sentence wants him to talk 'about' his Turkish fans. Because they love him very much and they want to hear that he knows it. But I think this is better:

I'll be the happiest girl in the world if you talk about your Turkish fans at least once.

For the second one, to be honest I don't know exactly what to use as the best word but I can explain you the meaning:

The writer and the Turkish fans love him so much and they want him to love them, too. So, is it to repay for their affection?

Yes, we can say "we breath because of you." It'll be better. Sorry, I didn't translate this part quite well.

For the last one, it means "Realize the Turkish fans, realize the presence of your fans !" So, should we use "to see" or "to look at" ?

17 سپتامبر 2010 23:44  

lilian canale
تعداد پیامها: 14972
OK, let's see if I understood.

I'll be the happiest girl in the world if you talk about your Turkish fans at least once.
We breath because of you.
Our hearts beat because of you.
We hold on life because of you.
Take notice of us!
Take notice of the Turkish!

Does it convey the meaning?


18 سپتامبر 2010 20:51  

Bilge Ertan
تعداد پیامها: 921
Yes, I think it's okay now. But if you want to make sure, you may ask for other one's idea.

19 سپتامبر 2010 02:16  

lilian canale
تعداد پیامها: 14972
I will

19 سپتامبر 2010 11:54  

تعداد پیامها: 3769
because of...> with

19 سپتامبر 2010 12:11  

Bilge Ertan
تعداد پیامها: 921
Ben de başta öyle çevirmiştim ama fanlar onun için yaşadıkların bahsediyorlar ya, o yüzden 'because of' da olabilir gibi düşündüm. Sizce tüm "because of"ları mı "with" yapmalıyız?

19 سپتامبر 2010 14:42  

تعداد پیامها: 3769
Nobody can live because of somebody. Therefore,to use "with" is better. (ofcouse for me)

19 سپتامبر 2010 15:34  

Bilge Ertan
تعداد پیامها: 921
Maybe they're different girls Ok, let's wait for lilan canale's idea.

19 سپتامبر 2010 16:35  

lilian canale
تعداد پیامها: 14972
Hi merdogan,

What I understood is that the writer says that "the fans breath", "their hearts beat" and "they hold on life" because their idol (the addressee) exists. So all that happens because of him/her.

CC: merdogan

19 سپتامبر 2010 19:42  

تعداد پیامها: 59
I would be the happiest girl in the World if you mention about Turkish fans at least once.
Your Turkish fans love you so much. Please respond to their love.
we breath with you
our hearts beat with you
we cling to life with you
perceive us!
perceive Turks!

20 سپتامبر 2010 12:26  

تعداد پیامها: 3769
Dear lilian,
I agree with Çevirmen.

25 سپتامبر 2010 12:41  

تعداد پیامها: 878
The use of '-le' does indeed create the meaning 'with', however I'm not sure whether it's acceptable to use it in that way in English. It may convey a more literal meaning than intended in Turkish.

I wonder, why do Turks always write 'the World' (with a capital w), you don't use Dünya in normal writing either...??

25 سپتامبر 2010 15:20  

Bilge Ertan
تعداد پیامها: 921
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. I didn't write "the World" with a capital w.

In normal writing sometimes we use 'dünya' and sometimes 'Dünya'. It depends on the sentence.

25 سپتامبر 2010 15:34  

تعداد پیامها: 878
You didn't, but Cevirmen did. It was just a side-comment .

25 سپتامبر 2010 20:01  

Bilge Ertan
تعداد پیامها: 921
Hmm ok Actually, Turks generally make this mistake also in Turkish. It's not so clear how to write 'dünya' with a capital letter or not. I think that's why this problem comes out in English.

25 سپتامبر 2010 22:08  

تعداد پیامها: 3769
But as we know (for now) there is only a World.

26 سپتامبر 2010 18:44  

Bilge Ertan
تعداد پیامها: 921
Yes, it's true. I don't know exactly if we sometimes write "World" but in Turkish there are some rules. However, I think we shouldn't write the word with a capital letter (here). What do the other ones think?
lilian canale and Chantal?
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