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Inbox - IanMegill2

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16 September 2007 13:29  

Number of messages: 275

16 September 2007 13:41  

Number of messages: 275

16 September 2007 14:28  

Number of messages: 744
hi ian, please dont mention it i have been bridging for others because i want others to bridge for me, its a habit here at cucumis, so most probably i want your help in briding for me (French-to-Arabic requests), welcome to Cucumis

16 September 2007 20:40  

Number of messages: 1549
Cher Ian:

ミハイル a écrit ceci en portugais :

Après néanmoins (Mesmo assim) qui est-ce qui part vers une autre expédition?
Une autre expédition veut dire un voyage dans un autre monde?

Et voici mes impressions (celles de Guilon) :

-”Parte” en portugais c’est “tu pars” (ce qui est le cas à mon avis) ou “vous partez”
-Qui part? toi; car le poète (Casper) parle à la seconde personne en portugais.
-”à outra jornada” le poète a bien souligné qu’il s’agit de “l’autre expédition” et surtout pas “une autre expédition”
-Expédition veut dire en effet, dans ce cas concret, un voyage vers l’au-delà, mais c’est sous-entendu, il n’y a pas de référence objective. À mon avis, Casper parle encore de son cher ami qui était décédé.
-”Somente uma parte do campo semeada” veut dire “Seulement une partie du champ étant semée“ C’est à dire que la personne qui est partie a laissé sa tâche inconclue dans cette vie.

Je fais de mon mieux pour faire mes interprétations sur la pointe des pieds, tellement ce sujet dont Casper parle me semble sensible.

D'autre part, je tiens à te faire savoir que mes vacances sont en plein cours, dans deux jours je pars avec un camarade vers la Croatie où je compte rester deux semaines, pendant cette période je ne prévois pas de me connecter sur internet. Donc je te souhaite des traductions favorables et je suis impatient de te relire dès mon retour.

PS : By the way, look at this sentence ミハイル wrote:

"I need Ian's help, without him I have no confidence to translate perfectly"

This is what I meant, you are a perfect bridge between our Roman world and the mysterious East.

17 September 2007 03:23  

Number of messages: 275
One cup of smokeのところ、一杯の煙じゃなく、

Cheio de fumancaっていうのは

17 September 2007 04:08  

Number of messages: 744
I accept your points because I do not want to go into the hassle of returning them LOL
well no we dont exchange points, just bridge for each other, because we are "cucunuts" and we looooove translation

18 September 2007 13:45  

Number of messages: 793
Well Ian,
"here" colud mean a lot. Colud you give me the sentence, please?


18 September 2007 14:30  

Number of messages: 275

Mesmo assimはフランス語では"敢えて"を意味するnéanmoinsと訳されてるのかと思いますが、

>un cérémonial de trains, de voies et de tunnels





18 September 2007 14:43  

Number of messages: 793
It is completely correct.

"Where I am, is the paradice on earth."

'Där jag är, är paradiset på jorden.'


18 September 2007 16:45  

Number of messages: 3706
Aham... I was peeping someone else's mailbox again...

Ian, to CC other people, just click on the link [Notifications] under the message box you can find in translation pages. You'll be able to CC experts, admins and other people already involved in discussion for that page.

Hope it helps,

18 September 2007 19:10  

Number of messages: 1014
Hi, I read about the points exchange ,,
when a text has to be translated into a language I know, but I don't understand the source text,, I ask to translate in english..
afterwards I don't 50% of points
that is the way I work, you don't have to do it that way.. but it's the best way!


19 September 2007 05:27  

Number of messages: 7963
Yes, yes, yes! Now yer cookin' on the front burner!


19 September 2007 10:26  

Number of messages: 1014
Oh, I am doing my 'first' year now
well, I am doing 2 years in one,,
I study 6 hours of Chinese a week,,
I really love it!
but somethimes it's quite annoying,, because I have spanish too,,
so 'xi' you pronounce like [si] and I couldn't pronounce it, because before that I had spanish
and I was confusing the spanish [s] with the chinese one ^^

so you live in Japan? cool !
never been there too, been to Russia tho (duh, lived in Estonia for 8 years, lolol)


19 September 2007 10:30  

Number of messages: 464
I think I finally got your point, thanks for taking your time!

I will meet John tomorrow (80%? )
I'm going to meet John tomorrow (90%? )
I'm meeting John tomorrow (95%? )

I almost fell of my chair reading this haha.
What I've learned reading the note:
-Expressing things in English is very delicate.
-It seems you can never be 100% sure when talking to an Englishman ^^

19 September 2007 12:11  

Number of messages: 1014
got msn? need to ask some stuff..

19 September 2007 13:24  

Number of messages: 7963
Your solution would have been fine (rest assured), but Tantine already validated the translation.

19 September 2007 19:17  

Number of messages: 793
I love translating poetry, it is "work out" for my brain.

Also to be able to do parallel translations into both Swedish and Norwegian is not common. Fun!

Have a nice day!


20 September 2007 02:07  

chloe viatte-hemmi
Number of messages: 2
oui Ian, je sais bien malheureusement (!!) que les Japonais ne disent jamais <Je suis folle amoureuse de toi mon coeur> donc peu de chance de se voir murmurer ta si douce traduction!
Voila pourquoi j'ai finalement opte pour la version basse de la traduction.... [君に夢中]: soit,
la (Pauvre) phrase que l'on risque de s'entendre dire en situation reelle, et non malheuresement ce que l'on aimerait s'entendre dire....!
Le dilemne fut cornelien.
J'ai sinon des panoplies de phrases d'amour... qui ne se disent pas, et je me refuse pourtant a les mettre au placard!

21 September 2007 00:48  

Number of messages: 121
Hi Ian
I edited the translation as this link...

21 September 2007 02:05  

Number of messages: 121
hi Ian, yeah, I think "nevertheless" is a better word for that sentence, I've only changed it because of the text in the wikipedia's page...
and man, of course, you can change the title of the translation, go ahead!...and what about changing the last sentence for "nevertheless"? I think there is no problem...
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