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| 17 kovas 2008 02:21 |
| Você colocou em inglês para que ele pudesse entender que não era outra "tradução"?
E que grande estilo!
Beijos Goncin! Sodad'ocê... |
| 17 kovas 2008 12:52 |
| Ah hehehe, isso explica tudo!
Hasta la vista... Baby! (Com o sotaque do Arnold)  |
| 17 kovas 2008 15:23 |
| Obrigada pela tradução amigo! |
| 18 kovas 2008 01:14 |
| Bonjour !
J'ai vu que tu avais rejeté ma traduction de "Ramon" en breton, ce que je comprends très bien vu que j'ai alerté sur le fait qu'il s'agissait d'un prénom seul.
Cependant, j'ai vu que toutes les autres traductions avaient été acceptées.
Questions : quel impact peut avoir cette traduction refusée sur mon travail ? Est-ce que toutes les traductions ne devraient pas être refusées ?
Tu peux répondre en portugais ou en anglais, comme tu veux.
Obrigado, e até breve ! |
| 20 kovas 2008 18:42 |
| I was having the same question as Hanternoz, Goncin.
I suppose you rejected the Ancient Greek translation as a case of "Cucumis does not translate names", but why did all the other ones got accepted then?
Where they all accepted before the rule was there?
Didn't see a response in Hanternoz inbox, so just asking.
The best
Uru |
| 23 kovas 2008 00:08 |
| Hi Goncin,
I would like to ask you about this translation:
I don`t really know who can ask..because..there is not Sanskrit experts in the list of experts.. But..you are polyglot..
This translation is very interesting for me..
| 23 kovas 2008 23:33 |
| Heu ! je t'ai répondu sur "Traduction", sorry !  |
| 24 kovas 2008 00:04 |
| Vejamos...  |
| 24 kovas 2008 00:06 |
| Eu loggei com meu usuário do orkut e tive de solicitar uma autorização. Não tenho gmail.  |
| 24 kovas 2008 12:56 |
| Goncin, eu estive "fora" da Cucumis por um bom tempo (tive muito trabalho de tradução para fazer) e só loguei de novo agora e vi sua ajuda com a palavra puçá - muitÃssimo obrigada! |
| 24 kovas 2008 14:14 |
| I'm not quite certain with the multimedia pachage translation. It seems right to me though. |
| 25 kovas 2008 08:36 |
| ..............I forgot..................... |
| 26 kovas 2008 10:35 |
| I didn't know that about Milena.
Thanks a lot Goncin. |
| 26 kovas 2008 15:43 |
| Thanks again Goncin.
 ' title='this is for you  '> |
| 30 kovas 2008 21:35 |
| "Delia Grigore (Romani: Deliya Grigore; born February 7, 1972 in Galaţi) is a Romanian Romani writer, philologist, academic and Romani rights activist."
I took this from wiki, where you sent me before. Delia Grigore was my professor of Rromani language at University. |
| 31 kovas 2008 20:17 |
| Veramente ero sicura che quella traduzione dal italiano che hai respinto fosse stata desiderata in Romeno, che strano... |
| 7 balandis 2008 21:50 |
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| 7 balandis 2008 22:55 |
| THIS is Bulgarian (my native!!!) language and.. It is write in Latin, not in Cyrillic alphabet...So..I just try to help with understanding.. But..it seems is wrong again  |
| 12 balandis 2008 01:24 |
| Bonan vesperon! Kiel vi fartas? |
| 12 balandis 2008 15:33 |
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