Cucumis - Senkotiza tradukservo interrete
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Leterkesto - MÃ¥ddie

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15 Julio 2008 14:39  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Hi . I thouht that the little angel who was singing so wonderfully was your daughter ? Actually I didn't know if you have kids and don't like asking people about they private life. Oh, yes I know how angels can be devils sometimes. But we'll always love them, nevertheless.

15 Julio 2008 15:13  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Ok, but I'm sure your daughter is just wonderful and anyway love for our kids is the strongest love I know. Even if,now and then, I'm fed up with them. But they are not living with me anymore. The best thing we can do for them is loving them and help them to be adults. My idea, my reality!!It's a nice weather in France today, so I think I'll go for a long walk.Have a wonderfull day, beaty.

15 Julio 2008 17:40  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Oh, so you have a cat . So do I, but a yellow-eyed one. I just love her.

15 Julio 2008 23:15  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Oh she is really cute, almost as much as mine. Isn't
she " a siamois" as we say in French. Good nigt, beaty.

18 Julio 2008 11:25  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 3389
Buna Madalina!

I'm ok but a bit busy as I'm about to go on holiday AGAIN! Woohoo!
Nice photo! Is that you?


18 Julio 2008 11:32  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 1116
"Remote survaillance (via Internet), real time, protect your interests, equipment supply, installation, training in the system usage, maintenance, manager,"

Here you are, Madeleine!

18 Julio 2008 15:23  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 970

18 Julio 2008 15:56  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 8114

Congrats again! You deserve it you know, you hard working cucuMISS.

18 Julio 2008 16:09  

lilian canale
Nombro da afiŝoj: 14972

Enjoy your deserved medal!


18 Julio 2008 17:30  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 3389

18 Julio 2008 19:08  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 3389
I'm going to France for some rock climbing!
Very excited!!

18 Julio 2008 19:53  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Thanks a lot, Madeleine, I know you are, beaty.
And, you know what, Ill have a free evening tonight,
because I feel like dancing, and that's exactly, what I'm gonna do.

18 Julio 2008 20:14  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Hi bad girl. Just noticed you've got this medal too, and you didn't told me. I'm so happy for you, don't forget to fly tonight with your elephant.

18 Julio 2008 20:39  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
I will and you too, have a wonderful evening. My name is just a very commun Danish first name, but it's mine, so i'll keep it.

19 Julio 2008 00:12  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Hi Madeleine. Have had a nice dinner with my son and about going out dancing. You know, it's really too funny. I watch this movie now and when, not for the movie, but for the pleasure to watch the dancers. And I just love it. Can you dance this way? I can. Yes, it's true. People have often told me ,"that I had the music under my skin". Sure you can dance like that too. You are really a nice girl. Come to France on holidays and let's go out dancing !!

19 Julio 2008 00:56  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Sure, I love dancing like that, and you will really be welcome. My partner doesn't dance quite well neither but I have a lot of others, so no problem. Amazing, because of my age? No, my father was , at least, 10 years wrong, when he gave my birthday year!! And I look quite young and I'M young.

19 Julio 2008 15:26  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Hi beauty. It seems we often behave the same way. Sometimes when I'm out walking somewhere and I see young kids playing football, I just take the ball, and say to them :" Now try to get it back again", and they love that. By the way, just saw you photo.!!!
WOW!! I was right when I called you "beaty". You are not only very beautiful outside, but in your heart too. I can just feel it.Your friend is really a lucky guy, but I suppose he knows it.
Have a real lovely week-end.

19 Julio 2008 15:07  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
So he's even more lucky. Have a nice week-end beauty.

19 Julio 2008 15:18  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
You are an AMAZING person. We are quite likely.(can one say that)?. You're as "mad" as I am. Suppose that's why I like you. And now : " mi cama, soy canzado".

23 Julio 2008 01:31  

Nombro da afiŝoj: 4611
Bonjour Madia. Merci pour ton petit éléphant; un petit message de toi me fait toujours plaisir.
Je n'ai pas pu être trés active ces derniers jours, comme j'ai mon fils avec moi, mais je reviendrai vite pour passer plus d'heures ch
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