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jaq84 Expert Arabe

Site Web

Expert - Arabe
Pays ‎Jordanie
Année de naissance1984
Première visite15 Mai 2008
Dernière visite15 Décembre 2014 08:34
Nombre de points de traduction courant

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Langue principale ‎Anglais Anglais
jaq84 peut lire les langues suivantes: FrançaisAnglaisArabe
Traduction - Préférences
Langue de départFrançaisAnglaisArabe
Langue d'arrivéeFrançaisAnglaisArabe
9.97/10   Expert
You're Looking at my Profile...I can see you!!

I can see you have managed to get here.
Well then, WELCOME
My name is Jumana. I'm an application developer.
I've always had that passion for languages and translation. I have even joined translation courses.
And you can guess that I was so pleased to find CUCUMIS!
I don't have much to say for now. I may come back for more later.
So, have a good day and see you on the pages of Cucumis