Cucumis - Service de traduction gratuit en ligne
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Pays ‎États-Unis d'Amérique
Année de naissance1975
Première visite21 Janvier 2007
Dernière visite3 Février 2017 16:57
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Langue principale ‎Français Français
CocoT peut lire les langues suivantes: FrançaisAnglaisAllemandNéerlandais
Traduction - Préférences
Langue de départFrançaisAnglaisNéerlandaisSuédoisNorvégienDanoisAllemand
Langue d'arrivéeFrançaisAnglaisNéerlandaisSuédoisNorvégienDanoisAllemand
About me...

Hello everyone! My (nick)name is CocoT and I'm a french-speaking anglicist from Belgium. I'm 31 and have been interested in languages since my early teenage years.
Dutch was the first foreign language I learned in high-school, it was later followed by English, German and, later still, Spanish. I graduated with a BA in English and German literature, have three MAs in English-related studies and I'm currently working on a PhD in Victorian literature (yeah, I know, I'm crazy)...
In my free time, I also have fun finding out about other languages. I translate mainly to/from French, English, German and Dutch (in order of preference). I also enjoy translating from Spanish, Danish and Swedish, all of which I have a rather passive knowledge of
I'm currently living in the United-States.