Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska
Emphasis on health food technology innovation in transition, into national Ministry of Science and Technology "11th Five-Year Support Scheme", the State Development and Reform Commission "Modern medicine special" projects are on the functional food and medicine to health food unprecedented support, and a number of focus on product innovation, clear future mode of competition, attention to the promotion of academic enterprises and products will be developed rapidly.
The pharmaceutical industry to the health food industry of the peak period, the pharmaceutical industry is in a period of adjustment policies, upgrading of the product mix, business strategy transition period. Domestic health food industry and huge market potential and opportunities for development, will encourage more to the pharmaceutical industry in transition, which is part of pharmaceutical enterprises out of the last chance for rescue. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry pharmaceutical enterprises, with its original R & D, production and marketing ability to get into the health food industry will be more competitive advantages, to the health food industry have an important role in structural optimization.