Originaltext - Litauiska - Tu Saunuolis Noriu Zinoti Koki Naudoji ZodynaAktuell status Originaltext
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| Tu Saunuolis Noriu Zinoti Koki Naudoji Zodyna | | Källspråk: Litauiska
Tu Saunuolis
Noriu Zinoti Koki Naudoji Zodyna | Anmärkningar avseende översättningen | The S in Saunuolis and the Z's in Zinoti and Zodyna have ^ (the other way up) above them and the last I in koki and the last A in Zodyna have little tails underneath them.
This was given to me by somebody who appreciated my attempts to say good morning to them in Lithuanian (visitor over here on holiday). She thought it would be funny to write me a note and see if i could understand it! :) |
3 Juli 2008 20:57