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Översättning - Litauiska-Engelska - Nesuvaldomas noras.

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Denna text är tillgänglig på följande språk: LitauiskaEngelska

Kategori Tankar

Nesuvaldomas noras.
Tillagd av Katia.
Källspråk: Litauiska

Nesuvaldomas noras.
Jis nori Jos..
o Ji Jo..
bet kas Juos skiria?
manyčiau skiria siena.
siena-kupina vilčiu ir nerimo?
o galbūt ta siena,kuri yra kupina laimes ir meiles?
JIEMS ABIEMS trūksta tiek nedaug,kad galėtu but kartu..
bet ne..
kažkas dar tebetrukdo.
Jie pamirššo apie siena.
Jie Jos negriauna.
Jie sako: Bus taip kaip turi būti.
bet kiek galima laukti?
kiek galima sakyti ta pačia fraze?
kiek galima kovoti dėl laimes,bet nebūt laimingiems?
kiek galima verkti ir kankintis?
kiek galima geisti vienas kito,bet negauti?
man dar vis nesuprantama :
kada Jie griaus ta siena?
Anmärkningar avseende översättningen

Irrepressible desire

Översatt av Dzuljeta
Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska

Irrepressible desire.
He wants her..
and she wants him..
but what keeps them apart?
I think it's a wall.
a wall - full of hopes and anxiety?
or maybe a wall that's full of happiness and love?
BOTH OF THEM lack so little in order to be together..
but no..
something is still standing in their way.
They forgot about the wall.
They aren't destroying it.
They say: It will be as it should.
but for how long can one wait?
for how long can one repeat the same words?
for how long can one fight for happiness and not be happy?
for how long can one cry and suffer?
for how long can they desire each other but not get it?
I still can't understand:
when will they break that wall?
Senast granskad eller redigerad av lilian canale - 18 Augusti 2008 04:57

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11 Augusti 2008 23:49

lilian canale
Antal inlägg: 14972
Hi Dzuljeta,

This looks great!
But I'll have to set a poll since I don't read Lithuanian.