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Original tekst - Engelsk - iglizceyi türkçeye çevirmek

Nåværende statusOriginal tekst
Denne teksten kan bli sett i de følgende språkene: EngelskTyrkisk

Kategori Forklaringer - Datamaskiner / Internett

Spørsmål for denne tekst er "Kun lydelsen".
iglizceyi türkçeye çevirmek
Tekst som skal oversettes
Skrevet av habibed
Kildespråk: Engelsk


We hereby inform you that we have processed your Winnings and your fund and your Car is now ready to be released to you. Your fund deposited with us is not in liquid form but in Bank Cheque, this advice complies with section 2, sub section (IV) of the procedural manual of the funds disbursement agreement existing between Lottery Companies and the British Government.
Anmerkninger gjeldende oversettelsen

We hereby inform you that we have processed your Winnings and your fund and your Car is now ready to be released to you. Your fund deposited with us is not in liquid form but in Bank Cheque, this advice complies with section 2, sub section (IV) of the procedural manual of the funds disbursement agreement existing between Lottery Companies and the British Government.
21 August 2008 22:38