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Teksti origjinal - Anglisht - 4. If one generally knows that the verdicts of...

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Kjo kërkesë për përkthim është "Vetëm kuptimi".
4. If one generally knows that the verdicts of...
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gjuha e tekstit origjinal: Anglisht

4. If one generally knows that the verdicts of Mujtahids do vary in day to day matters, and also that some of the Mujtahids are more capable than the others, but is unable to identify the most learned one, then he should act on precaution based on t heir verdicts. And if he is unable to act on precaution, then he should follow a Mujtahid he supposes to be the most learned. And if decides that they are all of equal stature, then he has a choice.
2 Janar 2008 13:14