679 Zdrojový jazyk astrologie De schorpioen - maagd relatie is: analytisch stabiel intens behulpzaam doelbewust gevoelig Jullie treden niet snel op de voorgrond, maar staan altijd klaar om iets voor anderen te doen en jullie komen als stel zeer betrouwbaar over. De schorpioen is uiterst gevoelig, maar zal dat nooit tonen. De maagd is sterk analytisch ingesteld en is niet bang achter het masker van de schorpioen te kijken. De schorpioen heeft veel moeite met die kritische maagdenblik. Als jullie elkaar leren respecteren kan er op den duur een sterke en diepgaande band ontstaan. De schorpioen heeft in de relatie de stabiele en berekenbare maagd nodig. De maagd wordt aangetrokken door de intense en energieke aard van de schorpioen. Jullie kunnen samen veel bereiken, de schorpioen zorgt voor de nodige 'drive' en de maagd voor de organisatie.
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167 Zdrojový jazyk Cancun A cidade de Cancun foi descoberta pelos Maias. Cancun era um paraiso habitado por familia de pescadores.Começou em 1968,quando um jovem mexicano convenceu as autoridades de seu pais a investir no turismo. Hotové preklady Cancun | |
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10 Zdrojový jazyk Farbenschalen Farbenschalen <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.
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1497 Zdrojový jazyk Remote posting Sending an email to post@xxxxxxxx.com from your email account, mobile phone or PDA will automatically create a new post. If you send pictures, along with any text you add, they will be attached to that post which will be published right away. If you decide so we will send you back a message confirming the post. The subject of your message should be formatted as follows: PostTitle@Username@MoblogPassword@Visible@Receipt Where PostTitle is the title of your post. Username is your username. MoblogPassword is the password you set here which should be different than your main password. It is a mandatory field. Visible, this field is optional and sets if you want your post to be saved as a draft or be published. Setting this to 0 will save your post as draft. Receipt, optional, if you set this field to anything but 0, we will email you back confirming your post. Example: If the subject of your message is: “These are my cows@peterpan@p8A7s4S5w6R3D1@1@1†will publish a new post entitled “These are my cows†containing the sent message, in peterpans account whose moblog password is p8A7s4S5w6R3D1 which will be visible and peterpan will get a receipt in his inbox. Example: If the subject of your message is: “These are my rocks@flinstone@p8A7s4S5w6R3D1†will publish a new post entitled “These are my rocks†containing the sent message, in flintstones account whose moblog password is p8A7s4S5w6R3D1 which will be visible and flintstone will NOT get a receipt in his inbox. You only need to specify “visible†if you do not want it to be visible or you are requesting a receipt. Some email providers append text to the bottom of each sent message, if you want this text to be stripped, finish your message with Please enter the password you want to use for mobile posting Note that fields are separated by the at sign "@".
Hotové preklady Envoi à distance | |
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56 Zdrojový jazyk grazie ti ringrazio cara, ti voglio bene solo perchè esisti e sei così bella. Hotové preklady grazie | |
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