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Preklad - Azerbájdžánština-Anglicky - 5-ci sÉ™trin «ƏDV bildiriÅŸinin verilmÉ™ tarixi»

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Tento text je dostupný v nasledujúcich jazykoch: AzerbájdžánštinaRuskyAnglicky

5-ci sətrin «ƏDV bildirişinin verilmə tarixi»
Pridal(a) alireza
Zdrojový jazyk: Azerbájdžánština

5-ci sətrin «ƏDV bildirişinin verilmə tarixi» xanasında qeydiyyat bildirişin verilmə tarixi göstərilməlidir, eyni zamanda vergi ödəyicisi yalnız Qanunla təsdiq olunmuş hasilatın pay bölgüsü haqqında, əsas boru kəməri haqqında və digər bu qəbildən olan sazişlər və ya qanunlar çərçivəsində fəaliyyət göstərirsə bu halda həmin sətrin xanaları doldurulmur;

Misal: Qeydiyyat bildirişdə verilmə tarixi 23 iyul 2004-cü il göstərilib. Bu halda bəyannamənin 5-ci sətrinin «ƏDV bildirişinin verilmə tarixi» xanası aşağıdakı kimi yazılmalıdır:

Poznámky k prekladu
In US or UK English

Cyrillic version (hereunder) was removed in order to take the "meaning only" off.

5-ъи сятрин «ЯДВ билдиришинин верилмя тарихи» ханасында гейдиййат билдиришин верилмя тарихи эюстярилмялидир, ейни заманда верэи юдяйиъиси йалныз Ганунла тясдиг олунмуш щасилатын пай бюлэцсц щаггында, ясас бору кямяри щаггында вя диэяр бу гябилдян олан сазишляр вя йа ганунлар чярчивясиндя фяалиййят эюстярирся бу щалда щямин сятрин ханалары долдурулмур;

Мисал: Гейдиййат билдиришдя верилмя тарихи 23 ийул 2004-ъц ил эюстярилиб. Бу щалда бяйаннамянин 5-ъи сятринин «ЯДВ билдиришинин верилмя тарихи » ханасы ашаьыдакы кими йазылмалыдыр:


Preložil(a) enigma_r
Cieľový jazyk: Anglicky

In the box called "A VAT notification date", on the 5th line, you should enter the registration notification date. Furthermore, if the taxpayer engages in activity related to distribution of fixed amount of production, recognised by law, deals related to the main pipeline or other similar deals, then the boxes in the line have to be filled in this way. In case of any other activity being realized within the framework of the law, you shouldn't write anything in the box on that line. For example: In the registration notification, the 23rd of July, 2004 is indicated as a date of issuing. In that case, you should fill in the paragraph called "A VAT notification date" according to this pattern:
Poznámky k prekladu
-VAT-Value added
-The term "declaration" can be replaced by the term 'form'
-there are some lapses in the original text,which are marked with *** in the present one.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané lilian canale - 25 júna 2008 15:26

Posledný príspevok


7 júna 2008 18:53

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
Hi enigma_r,

I made some edits to make the text readable, however there is a whole line where something seems to be missing.

"At the same time, if the taxpayer *** only, concerning the distribution of fixed amount of production, which is adopted by the VAT law, also concerning deals related to the main pipeline or other similar deals. "

Could you explain it to me, please?

8 júna 2008 13:25

Počet príspevkov: 20
yes,there are some lapses in the original text,which is in azerbaijani,and i marked this place with ***,because i cant guess the meaning only from the context.

8 júna 2008 16:35

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
That does not explain what you meant with that line.
The problem here is not the missing word you marked ***, but the structure of the whole sentence that is not correct.
It does not complete a statement, three relatives clauses altogether and no base. See what I mean?
Try to work in it a little longer, OK?

23 júna 2008 14:58

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
Since you haven't made any changes I'll set a poll, just to see if any user can help.
If we don't get any new ideas I'm afraid we'll have to reject the translation and ask the requester for correction. OK?

23 júna 2008 15:33

Počet príspevkov: 953
there are no lapses in the original.

you didnt translate "fəaliyyət göstərirsə "

yalniz applies to qanun so "only which is adopted"

25 júna 2008 01:22

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
Hi kfeto,

Could you write the whole sentence, please?

25 júna 2008 02:11

Počet príspevkov: 953
If the taxpayer engages in activity related to distribution of fixed amount of production, recognised by law, deals related to the main pipeline or other similar deals then in this manner the boxes in the line will immediately be filled.

25 júna 2008 01:51

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
That's not a whole sentence, kfeto.
I want to see a complete sentence which makes sense!

What would your version of this line be?

"At the same time, if the taxpayer *** only, concerning the distribution of fixed amount of production, which is adopted by the VAT law, also concerning deals related to the main pipeline or other similar deals"

That's what I'm asking, please help me here.

25 júna 2008 02:13

Počet príspevkov: 953
Ok i edited my post above
i copied "distribution of fixed amount of production, which is adopted by the VAT law,
also concerning deals related to the main pipeline or other similar deals" litt from enigma

it's just the syntax i rewrote

25 júna 2008 02:23

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
Oh, well, now it's gaining some sense.
However the ending is not very clear. Tell me if this way conveys the original, OK?

"If the taxpayer engages in activity related to distribution of fixed amount of production, recognised by law, deals related to the main pipeline or other similar deals, then the boxes in the line have to be filled."

25 júna 2008 02:29

Počet príspevkov: 953
yes, just "at the same time" before the sentence and "in this way" after it

let's see what enigma's thoughts are about this;-)

25 júna 2008 02:38

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
Could "At the same time" be: "On the other hand"?
and "in this way" be: "accordingly"?

25 júna 2008 02:41

Počet príspevkov: 953
with "at the same time" they mean "also" or "plus"
"on the other hand" is more like "but" i think
with "in this way" they mean the same way the "registration notification date" is entered

25 júna 2008 02:49

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
"at the same time" sounds in English as "simultaneously"

What about "besides"?

26 júna 2008 00:24

Počet príspevkov: 953

26 júna 2008 00:27

lilian canale
Počet príspevkov: 14972
I chose "Furthermore". Do you agree?

26 júna 2008 00:33

Počet príspevkov: 953
perfect ;-)