Cieľový jazyk: Anglicky
- 1st July, 2009 - Great Britain has concerns about the security of the French nuclear reactor EPR... According to 'The Times', the British nuclear regulator sent a mail to Areva and EDF in order to notify them of serious doubts concerning the security of their third-generation reactor technology.
The letter of the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) mentions, in particular, worries about the control of instrumentation of the EPR. According to the NII, the EPR technology indeed contains 'flaws', mainly due to the fact that its various subsystems, while supposedly independent, would actually be interconnected, which could, in case of an accident, cause chain reactions. "We have serious worries concerning your project, which allows lower-class security systems to override higher-class ones", the NII writes, threatening to forbid the construction of the EPR in Great Britain if these problems are not solved.