I'm aware that when submitting <b>quick and incorrect translations</b>, like for example those provided by automatic translation tools, <b>I don't earn any point</b>, <b>voluntary</b> experts and administrators of this website <b>waste their time</b> and <b>my account might be closed</b>.
Svestan sam toga da, u slucaju da podnesem <b> brz i netacan prevod</b>, kao sto su prevodi koje daju automatski prevodioci, <b> ne dobijam ni jedan poen</b>, <b>volonteri</b>eksperti i administratori ovog web sajta <b>trose svoje vreme</b> i <b> moj nalog moze da bude zatvoren</b>.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané Cinderella - 16 októbra 2006 18:27