Collaborative translation engine for project managementThis part of is dedicated to multilanguage projects. You will find here a
collaborative translation engine dedicated to project managers and translators willing to contribute to those projects. There is
no need to register for the translators and there is
no need to own translation points for the project managers. The translations are not added to the
list of texts to be translated by the community of translators. Nevertheless, the project managers are free to spend points to add their texts in this list and request the help of the community.
Project managers
These are the main features of the translation engine:
- Authorize all visitors or only members to translate your language files.
- History of texts is saved in database (wiki) and can be restored in case of abusive submissions.
Exportation to language files.
Importation from language files.
Detection of translations to be updated (when you change a reference text).
- When editing a translation it is locked to
avoid 2 persons translating the same text at the same time.
- Direct link to your project translation page.
How can I earn points to require the help of the community?
- You can translate some texts for the community.
- You can request a donation in the
You can send translators to your project home page through your affiliation link ( ). Each new member you bring on will earn you points each time he or she does translations for the community.
It sounds interesting what should I start with?
If you wish to try managing your translations with this engine, we invite you to start
creating a new project. Then select the item "
सबै अनुबादहरु" from the side menu to start adding new texts to your project.
Translating in the project part of doesn't earn translation points. You don't need to be a registered user to translate the projects (when the project manager has chosen this option).
If you wish to contribute to a project, browse the
list of projects or use the
search engine and go to the project home page. Then simply select the language you wish to contribute to and you will be driven to the page showing the texts to be translated.