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Tłumaczenie - Rumuński-Francuski - pentru acest aviator poet universul era o...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: RumuńskiFrancuski

pentru acest aviator poet universul era o...
Wprowadzone przez auditekana
Język źródłowy: Rumuński

pentru acest aviator poet universul era o imensă grădină de minuni în centrul căreia stătea omul.
Omul ca "nod de relaţii" nu numai cu oamenii dar cu toate fiinţele cu toate obiectele pe care el ştia să le însufleţească să le dea o nouă viaţă.
Dacă uneori Exupery încerca stări de suflet extrem de contradictorii când exuberant când întunecat, uneori surâzătorsi de o amabilitate care mergea pâna la tandreţe alteori irascibil si autoritar. Aptitudinea de a se dărui oamenilor constituia umanitatea lui spirituală.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
french from France

Pour cet aviateur poète, l’univers était...

Tłumaczone przez turkishmiss
Język docelowy: Francuski

Pour cet aviateur poète, l’univers était un immense jardin des merveilles au milieu desquelles se tient l’Homme. L’homme a un « nœud relationnel » non seulement avec les humains mais avec toutes les créatures et tous les objets auxquels il sait comment insuffler une nouvelle vie.
Si parfois Exupéry connaissait des états d’âme extrêmement différents, tantôt exubérant, tantôt sombre, parfois souriant et aimable, allant même jusqu’à la tendresse, en d'autres occasions il pouvait se montrer irascible et autoritaire.
Sa capacité à se dévouer aux êtres humains a constitué son humanité spirituelle.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
Bridge from Freya :
For this aviator poet, the Universe was an immense garden of wonders in the middle of which stood the man(man as human being). Man has a "knot of relations", not only with people, but with all creatures, all objects which he knew how to animate(make them alive), to give them a new life.
If sometimes, Exupery tried/experienced some extremely contradictory states of spirit/moods: when exuberant, when dark/sad(here it expresses the alternant states of spirit, like one moment he was exuberant, the other he was sad or one day he was happy and the other day he was in a bad mood), sometimes smiling(as a smiling person) and having an amability(kindness) which went even to tenderness, other times irascible and authoritary. The ability of giving himself/dedicate himself to people represented(constituted) his spiritual humanity.

Thank you Freya
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Francky5591 - 8 Marzec 2008 09:13