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Tłumaczenie - Angielski-Portugalski brazylijski - The courses described in this ...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: AngielskiPortugalski brazylijski

The courses described in this ...
Wprowadzone przez doraleite
Język źródłowy: Angielski

The courses described in this pamphlet are implemented in cooperation between Humana People to People and their three schools within the DRH-movement all based in the United States.
Since their establishment, these schools have cooperated with Humana People to People by training development instructors from around the world to be a part of creating development together with the people at and around projects mainly in Africa.
The development instructor programs to Africa will continue, but from 2008, an increased focus will be placed on courses that have the purpose of uniting the people of the Americas in the fight against poverty in our hemisphere.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
Original text:

The courses described in this pamplet are implemened in corporation between humana people to people and there three school within the drah-moviment all basea in the united states.
since their establishment, these schools have cooperated with humana people to people by training development instructors from around thr world to be a part of criating development together with the peaple at and around projects mainly in africa.
the development instructor programas to africa will continue, but from 2008, an increased focus will be placed on courses that have the purpose oh uniting the people of the americans in the fight against poverity in our hemisphere.

See these websites:

Os cursos descritos neste panfleto são implementados
Portugalski brazylijski

Tłumaczone przez goncin
Język docelowy: Portugalski brazylijski

Os cursos descritos neste panfleto são implementados numa cooperação entre a Humana People to People e três escolas engajadas no Movimento DRH, sediadas nos Estados Unidos.
Desde a sua fundação, essas escolas cooperaram com a Humana People to People, treinando instrutores de desenvolvimento oriundos do mundo todo, para tomar parte na construção do desenvolvimento juntamente com as pessoas que atuam na África, e em torno de projetos voltados principalmente para aquele continente.
Os programas de instrutores de desenvolvimento para a África terão continuidade, mas, a partir de 2008, será dada uma importância maior aos cursos que têm por objetivo unir as pessoas das Américas na luta contra a pobreza em nosso hemisfério.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Angelus - 1 Październik 2008 04:49

Ostatni Post


23 Wrzesień 2008 13:25

Liczba postów: 3706
Some fixes needed.

CC: lilian canale kafetzou

28 Wrzesień 2008 15:21

Liczba postów: 135
...pessoas que atuam direta ou indiretamente em projetos, principalmente para a África.

Os programas de instrutores de desenvolvimento para a África terão continuidade...