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Texto original - Inglês - The poultices were allowed to rest on stained...

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Categoria Explicações - Ciência

The poultices were allowed to rest on stained...
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Língua de origem: Inglês

The poultices were allowed to rest on stained surfaces for a 10 min, 20 min, 30 min and 15 hours. A single cleaning application was performed per cleaning regime. In order to mininmize the rate of evaporation and contact with the external atmosphere, wet poultices were covered with a Mylar R film for the duration of the treatment. Following application, paper pulp was removed and the treated surfaces were rinsed by sprying with distilled water.
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kireçtaşı yüzeylerinden pas lekelerini kaldırmanın yolları ile ilgili makalenin bir bölümüdür.
5 Janeiro 2009 21:26