Hi Vicci!
The most correct translation is the one you wrote, mine will be modified soon according to Aneta's suggestion.
I can understand you, Aneta.
The good quality of these translations is the only important thing.
But this time I didn't mean to be using any "licentia poetica", I just put the most natural sentence, in my opinion.
Here we come from different countries and speak different languages, so we obviously think in different ways.
The bad point is that Latin is no longer spoken as a mother tongue.
If I had joined this site only to gain points, I would have modified my translations whenever I was told to do it.
But I want to discuss sometimes because I think that comparing our ideas make us acquire more knowledge.
So, I'm glad to know that "lasts forever" can be translated in a more natural way with "in aeternum permanet"
Thank you again, Aneta.