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Texto Original - Inglês - She felt her brother had lowered himself by...

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She felt her brother had lowered himself by...
Texto a ser traduzido
Enviado por Robx
Idioma de origem: Inglês

She felt her brother had lowered himself by marrying "BENEATH" him, and had, out of deep love and loyalty, given way in most things to his wife's wishes. It must be remembered that they had been brought up in an age of propriety, WHEN GREAT STORE WAS SET UPON WHAT WAS REGARDED AS "DOING THE RIGHT THING"
Notas sobre a tradução
Texto extraído de la autobiografía de Peter Cushing, actor ingles.

El texto en mayúscula es el que no comprendo totalmente.
Último editado por lilian canale - 9 Julho 2009 12:30