Hi "little tweety in her cave"

As you're not anymore a newbie (far from it now!) at

, we'd really be grateful if you could post texts to be translated
in their original fonts (here devanagari) instead of Latin characters.
That would avoid our databank to be corrupted with erroneous texts, and that would avoid our experts to be overwhelmed with transliterating texts back into their original fonts. Thanks a lot!
Hi Coldbreeze!
Please could you help with this text? I just told requester to be a bit more helpful when submitting texts, and for telling the truth I'm a bit fed up as well with all these texts that are not sent in their original characters, let's say requesters could
bother themselves and try to find the original script on the internet, instead of releasing the whole bit to be done by us at their place. I think they mix up "free service" with "all tasks for free" and I must say I'm a bit pissed of by their unceremonious behaviour.
Thanks a lot!