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Texto Original - Inglês - 8.2 The shareholder proposing to sell or...

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Categoria Negócios / Empregos

8.2 The shareholder proposing to sell or...
Texto a ser traduzido
Enviado por n_eagle
Idioma de origem: Inglês

8.2 The shareholder proposing to sell or otherwise volutarily dispose of all or any party of his shares to a Proposed Transferee shall first,by a written notice(Transfer Notice),offer sell the shares pro rata to the shareholders within the same shareholding as him,her or it(for instance a shareholder within the Zincox-Shareholder shall make an offer to the other shareholders in Zincox-Shareholding).
Notas sobre a tradução
Zincox is a company name.
Proposed Transferee:Shareholder to transfer all or part of their shares to any transferee not then a shareholder a ''Propsed Transferee''.
23 Agosto 2007 08:07