10 Idioma orígen father's joy father's joy hi, im looking for the hebrew characters for "father's joy" in the female form Traduccions finalitzades שמחת ×”×ב | |
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120 Idioma orígen Gott, öffne den Himmel in meinem Herzen, erfülle... Gott, öffne den Himmel in meinem Herzen, erfülle mich mit Glück und Freude, durchflute mich mit Licht und Farbe, durchströme mich mit Freiheit und Liebe. Traduccions finalitzades Боже, отвори небето в Ñърцето ми Bože, otvori nebo u mome srcu,... God, open the heaven in my heart اÙØªØ Ø§Ù„Ø³Ù…Ø§Ø¡ ÙÙŠ قلبي Tanrım, kalbimde bir cennet aç | |
9 Idioma orígen La petició d'aquesta traducció és "només el significat" live strong live strong hy, please i'm working on my wedding party, and i need the translation in hebrew caracteres for that fem expresion, thank you very much. Traduccions finalitzades חזקה! | |
144 Idioma orígen footprints in the sand I promise you, I'm always there, When your heart is filled with sorrow, And despair, I'll carry you When you need a friend You'll find my footprints in the sand Traduccions finalitzades kumdaki ayak izleri | |
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408 Idioma orígen 1- Forumda 18 yaþ altý her türlü içerik eklemek... 1- Forumda 18 yaþ altý her türlü içerik eklemek yasaktýr...Ekleyenler forumdan uzaklaþtýrýlacaktýr...
2- Forumda çocuk pornosu paylaþmak yasaktýr...Bu tip paylaþým yapanlar forumdan anýnda uzaklaþtýrýlacaktýr...
3- Forumda her türlü Türk paylaþým yapmak yasaktýr...Yapanlar forumdan uzaklaþtýrýlacaktýr...
4- Forumda amatör paylaþým yapmak, gizli çekim videolar ya da resimler yayýnlamak kesinlikle yasaktýr.
Gidene Kal Demek Zavallilara Kalana Git Demek Terbiyesizlere Traduccions finalitzades 1- Il est interdit d'ajouter tout type de contenu ... | |