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10Traducció - Suec-Anglès - söker engelsk översättning till detta

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Aquest text està disponible en els següents idiomes: SuecAnglès

Categoria Col·loquial

La petició d'aquesta traducció és "només el significat"
söker engelsk översättning till detta
Enviat per Vevsan
Idioma orígen: Suec

Jag hade ridit flera gånger och ofta, tills en dag då jag var med om en olycka. Hästen gastade av mig och jag hade ont i ett flertal veckor efteråt. Trots att det var så länge sedan så har jag inte vågat sätta mig på en häst igen. Jag vet inte häller om jag skulle våga det igen.

I had ridden several times

Traduït per lilian canale
Idioma destí: Anglès

I had ridden several times, and often, until the day I had an accident. The horse threw me down and I was in pain for the following weeks. Despite it being a long time since that happened, I daren't get on a horse again. I don't know if I would dare do it again.
Notes sobre la traducció
I believe there is a misspelling of "kastade" into "gastade".
Darrera validació o edició per Tantine - 2 Maig 2008 16:27

Darrer missatge


30 Abril 2008 01:13

Nombre de missatges: 2747
Hi Lilly

The English is great

I've set a poll, because my Svenska is not up to scratch.


1 Maig 2008 14:36

Nombre de missatges: 26
Jag tkr det är många fel i denna texten. Jag skulle vilja översätta allt till " I had been riding several times and often, until one day when I had an accident. The horse threw me of and I was in pain for several weeks after. Despite it was so long time a ago, I haven't dared to sit up on a horse again. I don't even know if I would dare to do it again."
(Ursäkta om jag är petig, men säger bara vad jag tycker)

1 Maig 2008 17:34

Nombre de missatges: 1
Jag anser att meningen "Hästen kastade av mig" Bör översättas till "The horse threw me off"

1 Maig 2008 21:24

Nombre de missatges: 1670
jeg er enig med emka86

2 Maig 2008 02:02

Nombre de missatges: 2747
Hi Girls

I set a poll because I don't speak Swedish. So you need to post in English so as I can understand your misgivings about the translation, otherwise I will not be able to take your negative votes into consideration.


2 Maig 2008 02:09

Nombre de missatges: 1670
I just said that I agree with emka86 who suggests to write "The horse threw me off" in stead of "down" - what do you say?

2 Maig 2008 02:12

Nombre de missatges: 1670
ah, and would you really say "daren´t" ? Not that I think it´s grammatically wrong or anything, I just find it a bit difficult to pronounce in a sentence :-)

2 Maig 2008 12:40

Nombre de missatges: 871
A few observations:
-original misspellt also "inte häller">"inte heller"
-also "the following weeks", "daren't" and "dare do" caught my suspicious eye as above in Jarla's message and I agree with her. I would suggest still one possibility "haven't had the courage to..." to avoid the use of dare two times.

However, cannot say the translation is wrong.

2 Maig 2008 16:06

Nombre de missatges: 2747
Hi Girls

Thanks for everyone replying in English

Since this is a "meaning only" request I find there is not sufficient difference between being thrown down (from) or being thrown off (of) a horse. I even feel that the idea of being thrown down from a horse reinforces the idea of hitting the ground and gettin hurt.

As for "daren't" it is perfectly acceptable in English. The fact that the word might or might not be difficult to pronounce by non-native speakers, is not a sufficient reason for using another term.

Thanks for eveyone's kind help

Bises à toutes