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Traducció - Serbi-Anglès - Mariana je rodjena 9-og Octobra u 1984...

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Mariana je rodjena 9-og Octobra u 1984...
Enviat per irini
Idioma orígen: Serbi

Mariana je rodjena 9-og Octobra u 1984 u Buenos Airesu u Argentini!
Njena vaznija uloga kao glumice bila je u seriji "Rebeldeway"koja je ostvarila visoki rejting gledaoca.
Inace Mariana je glumila i u "Chiquititas", zatim u filmu "Imaginig Argentina", onda slijedi "Rebeldeway"a potom "Floricientia"(evo saznajem da je jos jedan glumac iz R-waya glumio u ovoj seriji)...i Trenutno u 2007 godini snima "Left for Dead" film u kojem ima vazniju sporednu ulogu!
Notes sobre la traducció

Mariana was born 9-th of october, 1984

Traduït per lenalena
Idioma destí: Anglès

Mariana was born on the 9th of October, 1984, in Buenos Aires, Argentina!
One of her important roles as an actress was in "Rebelde Way" which accomplished high viewers rating.
Mariana also acted in "Chiquititas", in the movie "Imagining Argentina",
then came "Rebelde Way" and "Floricientia" (I've just found out that one more actor from R-way acted in this series) ... and in 2007 she'll have an important side role in the movie "Left for Dead"!
Notes sobre la traducció
This website gives the English names of these films:
Darrera validació o edició per kafetzou - 6 Febrer 2007 14:44