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Traducción - Danés-Inglés - Resume: Globalisering er faktisk den vigtigste...

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Resume: Globalisering er faktisk den vigtigste...
Propuesto por Dimsedut
Idioma de origen: Danés

Globalisering er faktisk den vigtigste del i menneske historien, men har aldrig før været så tæt på hinanden, som man er kommet efter globaliseringen for alvor slog igennem. Globalisering er ikke noget nyt fænomen, men det er først slået igennem de sidste par år, og man har endelig fundet ud af hvordan globaliseringen har påvirket verden, både positiv og negativ.
Outsourcing er et punkt under globaliseringen, som bygger på den specialisering, en virksomhed kan opnå ved at outsources de opgaver i

Summary: Globalization is actually the most important...

Traducido por Bamsa
Idioma de destino: Inglés

Globalization is actually the most important part of the human history, but they have never before been so close to each other, as they are now, after the globalization has seriously became generally accepted. Globalization is not any new phenomenon, but it first came to the front the last couple of years, and one has finally found out how the globalization has influenced the world, both positively and negatively.
Outsourcing is a part of globalization, which is built on the specialization that a company can achieve with outsourcing the tasks in.
Nota acerca de la traducción
The former translation was Summary:
Globalization is actually the most important part in the human history, but has never before been so close to each other, as they are after the globalization for serious became generally accepted. Globalization is not any new phenomenon, but it first came through the last couple of years, and they have finally found out how the globalization have influenced the world, both positive and negative.
Outsourcing is a point under globalization, which is built on the specialization a company can achieve with outsourcing the tasks in.
This was totally unacceptable in English. I have edited it, but I am not sure that the origional was translated properly, so am asking the language speakers to go over it.

I suggested:

Globalization is actually a most important part of human history, but has never before been so closely a part of it, as now, after the globalization has seriously became generally accepted. Globalization is not any new phenomenon, but it first became an issue during the last couple of years, and they have finally found out how globalization has influenced the world, both positively and negatively.
Outsourcing is a type of globalization, which is built on the specialization that a company can achieve with outsourcing tasks.
However the person doing the translation insisted in putting his version to a vote so I am doing so. Thanks, David
Última validación o corrección por dramati - 16 Diciembre 2007 18:59

Último mensaje


15 Diciembre 2007 17:27

Cantidad de envíos: 1524
In the Danish text it is written "den vigtigste del i menneske historien". In this sentence "den vigtigste" means "the most important". It can not be translated by "is a most important".

Than "så tæt på hinanden" means exactly "so close to each other", cannot be translated by "closely a part of it". In Danish it should be "tæt en part af det".

"et punkt under globaliseringen" means exactly " a point (item/article are also alternatives) under globalisation". That's why I have translated like that. I think Danish text is the one which is not 100% correct. "is a type of globalization" would be "en type af globalisering".

CC: dramati