Cucumis - Servicio gratuito de traducción en línea
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10Traducción - Turco-Alemán - Sensiz bir ömrü düşünemiyorum ...

Estado actualTraducción
Este texto está disponible en los siguientes idiomas: TurcoInglésAlemánRusoÁrabe

Categoría Expresión

Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Sensiz bir ömrü düşünemiyorum ...
Propuesto por enwy
Idioma de origen: Turco

Sensiz bir ömrü düşünemiyorum ...

Traducción rechazada

Traducido por 44hazal44
Idioma de destino: Alemán

Ich kann nicht an einen Lebtag ohne dich denken...
Rechazado por iamfromaustria - 8 Abril 2009 18:52

Último mensaje


31 Marzo 2009 11:26

Cantidad de envíos: 12
It happens repeatedly, that I get a request by e-mail stating that there is some translation to be done, and when I then come here, log in, read the text, find that it is easy to do, translate in mind, and then click 'Translate', I am not allowed to do it.
I have complained about this several times now: why do I get bothered with this nonsense? If I am not allowed to translate it, for whatever reason, then don't send me a message! It cannot be so hard to code it, and I cannot believe I am the only one who gets annoyed.
Next time this happens, I will definitely leave this site.

31 Marzo 2009 13:18

Cantidad de envíos: 12396
Hello sencay, I understand you can be angry, there must be a bug somewhere, I'll ask the webmaster. Messages are sent automatically, and maybe are you online just after another user (who received a similar message inviting her/him to translate), and so if the translation is already done at the time you log in, maybe is it the reason why you are told you can't translate.

What do you think JP, could it be the reason why secay is not allowed to translate a text?

CC: jp

31 Marzo 2009 13:21

Cantidad de envíos: 12396
Oh, I also see it is told this translation can only be done by an expert in the target-language (sorry I didn't see that when I posted above)
This means the requester checked a "high quality required" box when s/he submitted this text to translation. And regular members can't translate, only experts can.

2 Abril 2009 11:08

Cantidad de envíos: 385
You don't receive emails for translations you can't do (expert only). But when we send an email to you for a translation taht you can do, it happens that somebody translate it before you. And then only the "expert only" translations remain. We can't do anything about this.

I realize that this "Expert only" feature add some confusion on the site, and that it's almost useless,so what about removing it ?

CC: lilian canale goncin

2 Abril 2009 12:13

Cantidad de envíos: 12
I suggest that you simply don't show me the "expert only" translations at all.

2 Abril 2009 16:20

lilian canale
Cantidad de envíos: 14972
I think both features: "Expert only " and "Meaning only" bring trouble to the site (and extra work for the admins).
I'd remove both.

CC: jp

2 Abril 2009 17:08

Cantidad de envíos: 12396
Well, if I asked for an expert in the target-language to translate some text, it was that I was willing to shorten the evaluation/validation process. I use to do that when I want to have the text validated and ready to be used faster. (ok, this is not obligatorily the case as we can see with this request above, as it also relies on expert's availability)

2 Abril 2009 17:18

lilian canale
Cantidad de envíos: 14972
"High quality" only works well when the expert doing the translation masters perfectly both languages, but that is quite difficult and happens with a few pairs and a few experts.
Otherwise if the expert for the target language wants to do the translation s/he will have to ask for a bridge from an expert for the source language. That may take some time, specially when there isn't any expert for that language

It's not the case of those administrative messages in English, of course

CC: jp

4 Abril 2009 17:57

Cantidad de envíos: 385
I will make the both feature activable/deactivalbe quickly so e can test with and without them. I will deactivate both of them to stat with and after a mon th we'll see if it's better or not.

[edit] Not sure I can remove meaning only as it is used for the language equivalences ( ). I must find a trick.

When we accept a translation and when either source or target langauge is written with a non official alpahbet (occidental alphabet for arabic, persian for example), we corrupt this list. And a meaning only request is the way to avoid this translation entering the stats of langauge equivalences

4 Abril 2009 23:17

Cantidad de envíos: 12396
Right! I wouldn't like "meaning only" to be removed; as you said JP, we would have a lot of trash texts in the data bank.

About the "high quality required", let's say I can manage with texts that I want to be translated by an expert, as I can set the text in stand-by and ask an expert whether s/he can translate.