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Traducción - Chino simplificado-Inglés - 金属铝护套

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Propuesto por youfri
Idioma de origen: Chino simplificado

目前,金属铝护套的生产工艺主要有氩弧焊工艺和压铝机工艺,前者以铝带为原材料,生产有缝铝护套,金属护套护套在纵向机械性能一致,而后者以铝锭为原材料生产无缝铝护套,在径向机械性能基本一致, 由于设备庞大, 生产前必须要有一定时间的保温,因此能耗较大。一般认为,无缝铝护套在性能上优于有缝铝护套。

Aluminum Protection Coating

Traducido por itsnotvalid
Idioma de destino: Inglés

Currently, the production of aluminum protection coating mainly is made through argon arc welding and compressed aluminum process. The former uses aluminum bands as the major source material to produce seamless aluminum coating, with the properties of radical mechanics around the same. Since the equipment is huge, heat must be retained before production, and hence more energy is wasted. Accordingly, seamless aluminum protection coating is better than non-seamless ones in terms of performance.
Última validación o corrección por Chantal - 28 Noviembre 2006 17:54