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Texte d'origine - Hongrois - Kata vagyok, a Pepsi elfogyott, de van helyette...

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Kata vagyok, a Pepsi elfogyott, de van helyette...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par Paulo Azevedo
Langue de départ: Hongrois

Kata vagyok, a Pepsi elfogyott, de van helyette valami izgalmasabb, nezd meg:
22 Mars 2008 19:12

Derniers messages


12 Juin 2008 08:35

Nombre de messages: 765

I´m Kata, I´ve run out of Pepsi, but I have something more exciting, come and see

(Little Cultural Guide : It is quite an attractive phrase from a girl. It plays with a slogan of Pepsi, which was: Kata vagyok, van egy Pepsid? ´I´m Kata, do you have A bottle of Pepsi?´ It was in the advertisement, a girl trying to flirt with a guy. It was a long time ago, but it´s still in use as a joke.)

CC: lilian canale