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Texte d'origine - Anglais - Subtitle of The Secret of Santa Vittoria

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Subtitle of The Secret of Santa Vittoria
Texte à traduire
Proposé par em-rock
Langue de départ: Anglais

Rosa. Hey, Rosa, come on.
Did you see me on the tower, huh?
- Tower?
- Yeah.
They had to tie you up like a salami to get you down.
Oh, I like you when you're like this.
Oh, you couldn't fall and break your neck, no.
Rosa. Rosa...
- I'm too unlucky for that!
- It reminds me of our honeymoon!
- Rosa, please.
- But that? I'm too unlucky for that.
- Take that!
- Please, I told you, not in the head. Rosa!
Destroy my shop! You're a bum drunk...
- Rosa, I'll fix it! Not there, Rosa!
- Take that!
Not there, Rosa!
- If you hit me once more...
- Me, too.
...I'm gonna get mad.
- Yeah?
Mayor. Some Mayor! Get out.
Get out of the house, huh?
Get out of my life forever.
You destroyed my shop, you drank my wine!
Just stay out of my sight, because every time, every time I see you,
I will make you remember this historic day!
- Rosa, I'm going to...
- What?
You know what Rosa said?
She said that tomorrow, when the town has sobered up, they will want me to resign.
That's what she said.
Rosa is a loudmouthed bitch.
No offense, Italo.
The trouble is, to all the important men in Santa Vittoria,
I'm just a clown.
BOMBOLINl: A big, stupid clown.
- Don't deny it.
- Who could deny it?
I'm not going to accept that.
That would be an insult to me.
What are you going to do?
I will issue an official statement, something simple and dignified.
"You can take this job and shove it up your ass. "
That would be the finest moment in Italian history.
Still, you know, for once...
Maybe I...
Maybe I could do something.
For once, I could make Angela proud of me. Even Rosa.
Hey, I...
Maybe I could appoint a grand council. A...
They all hate each other.
Pietrosanto hates Benedetti,
Pulci hates Bracolini, everybody hates everybody in this town.
I will give all the big shots a big title.
Minister of this, Minister of that!
They will support me, or lose their title!
Bombolini, you may be the Machiavelli of Santa Vittoria.
Yes, Machiavelli.
The Prince. It's a book about power, how to get it and keep it.
Niccolò Machiavelli!
The Prince. The Ruler. The Mayor.
Yeah, that's me.
17 Novembre 2008 04:01