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Texte d'origine - Anglais - What's ABC?

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Catégorie Explications - Santé / Médecine

What's ABC?
Texte à traduire
Proposé par bedossa
Langue de départ: Anglais

Before you try to help a victim, you must check if the place is safe. If there is anything dangerous, such as a live wire, a vicious animal, deep water, or fire, you mustn't risk your own life while trying to help the victim. Don't forget that you aren't an expert. We can only help the victim if he;
1. is conscious,
2. has an open airway,
3. is breathing,
4. has a heartbeat,
5. is not bleeding heavily.
Next, if the victim is unconcious, kneel next to the victim's head and check for the ABC's:
22 Mai 2010 19:20