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Texte d'origine - Anglais - He settled in very well in his new home. The...

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He settled in very well in his new home. The...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par peterbald
Langue de départ: Anglais

He settled in very well in his new home. The first 3-4 days he was quite shy, but then quickly made friends with my other cat. It took him a little bit more to get used to my dog, but now everything is fine and he is not scared of Lara anymore.
On our return to Romania, the veterinarian at the border crossing point told us that we also needed a veterinary certificate for domestic dogs, cats and ferrets entering the European Community for non-commercial movements (such as the one found here www.***.com). He was kind enough to grant us permission to enter the country even without this certificate. We were lucky.
Commentaires pour la traduction
male speaking
3 Septembre 2011 13:39