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Texte d'origine - Anglais - Disulfide bonds are rarely found in intracellular...

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Catégorie Essai

Disulfide bonds are rarely found in intracellular...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par Piter Smith
Langue de départ: Anglais

Disulfide bonds
are rarely found in intracellular proteins, but
genomic data from hyperthermophilic Archaea contradicted
this well established observation from
many model organisms. Intracellular proteins of
hyperthermophilic Archaea, especially the Crenarchaea
P. aerophilum and A. pernix, are rich in disulfide
bonds, implicating disulfide bonding in stabilization
of many thermostable proteins (Mallick et al., 2002).
10 Novembre 2013 08:58