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Traduction - Anglais-Turc - alpay would define kok with regard to the...

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alpay would define kok with regard to the...
Proposé par solti
Langue de départ: Anglais

alpay would define kok with regard to the everyday practical world of supplying a coatings product offering as one that the buying customer appreciates
as being one of a kind as it applies to that customer's set of conditions and therefore provides the offering company a higher than average profit margin as a result

Alpay'a KOK'un tanımı

Traduit par shirakahn
Langue d'arrivée: Turc

Alpay'a KOK'un tanımı, "Gündelik kaplama ürünü tedariğinden hareketle
şartlar silsilesine uygunluğu türünün tek örneği olarak müşteri tarafından takdir edilmesinden ötürü teklif eden şirkete sonuç olarak ortalamadan daha yüksek bir kar marjı sağlar." şeklindedir.
Dernière édition ou validation par bonjurkes - 20 Février 2007 09:17