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Texte d'origine - Anglais - Dear Avi, I'm having a lot of fun on my trip. I...

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Catégorie Lettre / Email

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Dear Avi, I'm having a lot of fun on my trip. I...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par taliwalt
Langue de départ: Anglais

Dear Avi,
I'm having a lot of fun on my trip. I went up the Eiffel Tower, and watched the sunset. The view was amazing! The next day I went to the Louvre. I saw all the famous paintings that we learned about in school. Art history is much more interesting when you can see the real paintings, and not just pictures of them in a text book. I can't wait to visit the wine vineyards in Italy. I know that you are interested in wine making so I will describe the process to you in my next letter.

27 Avril 2007 13:26