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Traduction - Italien-Anglais - abbiamo il piacere di contattarvi per offrirvi...

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abbiamo il piacere di contattarvi per offrirvi...
Proposé par roby89
Langue de départ: Italien

abbiamo il piacere di contattarvi per offrirvi uno stock di lampade da tavolo che stiamo offrendo ai nostri migliori clienti.
come potete vedere dall'allegato, le lampade hanno un design moderno che si adatta a ogni tipo di arredamento, e sono disponibili in vari colori.
Il prezzospeciale di €78(comprensivo di imballaggio) è solo per ordini ricevuti entro il 15 febbraio.
Per ordini superiori a €4000,siamo disposti a concedere uno sconto del 4% e consegna gratuita.
Restiamo in attesa di una vostra risposta.

We have the pleasure...

Traduit par hitchcock
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

It is our pleasure to contact you and offer to you a stock of desk lamps that we are offering to our best customers.
As you can see in the attachment, the lamps have a modern design that suits every kind of furniture, and are available in several colours.
The special price of €78 (packaging included) is only for orders received up to February 15th.
For orders higher than €4000, we are offering you 4% off and free delivery.
We hope to hear from you.
Dernière édition ou validation par kafetzou - 24 Septembre 2007 16:32

Derniers messages


11 Septembre 2007 11:38

Nombre de messages: 1655
Ok, but please copypaste the € symbol.

11 Septembre 2007 12:14

Nombre de messages: 6
here is a list with things i would change:
"to cantact and offer you"
"that we offer our best customers"
"the lamps have" "are available"
"we are waiting to hearing from you"

11 Septembre 2007 23:47

Nombre de messages: 121
thanks Xini and alinna for your helping hand...

12 Septembre 2007 14:33

Nombre de messages: 23
I might also change "one stock of desk lamps" to "a stock of desk lamps," since i think "uno" is being used as an indefinite article in this case. I also might translate "stock" to "batch" or "collection" or something along those lines...

14 Septembre 2007 08:38

Nombre de messages: 2747
Hi All,

I think the text should read "...pleasure of contacting you to propose a stock of table lamps that we are offering to our..."
"...we are offering you a 4% reduction...

"We are hoping to hear from you.


22 Septembre 2007 14:16

Nombre de messages: 7963
I edited the first sentence. It seems that hitchcock had already edited according to your other suggestions.

I think that desk lamps are not the same as table lamps - the former being meant for a desk, whereas the latter is meant for a table!

I'm going to validate the translation.

24 Septembre 2007 14:51

Nombre de messages: 23
wait a second! It looks very awkward/ungrammatical in English to say "propose you a stock.." You could say "It is our pleasure to contact and propose to you a stock of..." there could be an even better way of saying this but i dont have much time now..

One more thing: It sounds better to say "we hope to hear from you" than "we are hoping to hear from you" no need for progressive there..


24 Septembre 2007 15:18

Nombre de messages: 7963
How about "present to you". You're right - "propose" is usually for marriage in English!

And I agree that "we hope to hear from you" sounds more normal in English.

24 Septembre 2007 16:25

Nombre de messages: 23
You might be able to choose a better word than "propose" but my main concern was that the phrase is "propose you" doesn't work in English, since "propose" takes an indirect object. If you say "propose you" (as opposed to propose to you) it implies that you are proposing the object itself, not something to the object. Because of the rest of the phrase, one can get at its meaning, it just sounds strange to English ears.

"present" implies that you are actually giving the desk lamps to them, whereas I think that this is concerning an offer. You can use propose to mean something other than marriage, it just could appear overly formal or old-fashioned in a lot of contexts. I Propose to go with "we are pleased to contact you and OFFER a..." You eliminate the whole problem, the object isn't necessary, and it adheres more literally to the Italian (while still sounding fine in English). I suppose the only issue is that you are using "offer" twice very close, which sounds kind of awkward. Let me know what you think!

24 Septembre 2007 16:34

Nombre de messages: 7963
As you say, there's a lot of offering going on in this one, but I've changed it. It says offer for both verbs in the original Italian, so I guess it's OK.

You're right of course that "propose" can be used in contexts other than marriage. I don't know what I was thinking.

Thanks for your help.