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Texte d'origine - Anglais - What's this smell? (getting a bad snif.) ...

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What's this smell? (getting a bad snif.) ...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par ミハイル
Langue de départ: Anglais

1.What's this smell ? (getting a bad snif.)
2.What's this smell ?(getting a good snif.)

What should I do?(When your precious person's death abandon you to despair.)

We're running out of time!

Check the information.

Our team have a catastrophic damage!!
Send emergency team here immediatly!

Don't give up hope.

I don't know where hapiness is...but we have to find it by long as we are alive.
Dernière édition par Francky5591 - 29 Novembre 2007 14:15

Derniers messages


28 Novembre 2007 03:24

Nombre de messages: 275
Sorry,i mistyped.
God smell is Good smell!

It's meaningless!!