Cucumis - Senkotiza tradukservo interrete
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Originala teksto - Angla - Hi Ozan, how are you? I have seen the...

Nuna statoOriginala teksto
Tiu teksto haveblas en la sekvaj lingvoj: AnglaTurka

Kategorio Letero / Retpoŝto - Amo / Amikeco

Ĉi tiu tradukpeto estas "nur por signifo".
Hi Ozan, how are you? I have seen the...
Teksto tradukenda
Submetigx per lucy123
Font-lingvo: Angla

Hi Ozan,

how are you? I have seen the photos on your profile and you seem me a beautiful boy .. only a photo is a bit strange.. the one denominated Lugano.. who that girl is? What is she for you? one cousin of yours?

Now where are you ? I hope to meet you soon personally.

14 Januaro 2009 16:58