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Testo originale - Inglese - i am a lebanese man. i came here for work and...

Stato attualeTesto originale
Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: IngleseTurco

Categoria Saggio - Società / Gente / Politica

i am a lebanese man. i came here for work and...
Lingua originale: Inglese

i am a lebanese man. i came here for work and leaving today. i might come after 2 weeks. this is my email xxx@yyy.zzz and my phone number is #############. You have beautiful eyes. I saw you before when you were walking and having a gitar. i hope i am not annoying you. i want to keep on touch with you on the email.
Ultima modifica di goncin - 2 Gennaio 2008 22:59