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Testo originale - Inglese - Hello! Where is Ramus? Oh here he is! I have a...

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: InglesePortoghese

Categoria Discorso - Bambini ed adolescenti

Hello! Where is Ramus? Oh here he is! I have a...
Aggiunto da Isawisa
Lingua originale: Inglese

Where is Ramus? Oh here he is!
I have a few presents with me. Do you know why? Because today we are going to make something really nice. And also because yesterday was my birthday and Ramus gave me these presents. How many presents did Ramus gave me? What would be in these presents? Shall we take a look? Who wants to help me unpack a present? Stay at your place, when I call your name you can come to help me. Do you want to help me?
Note sulla traduzione
Ramus: a poppet that I use for telling the story. He is a bird.
I talk to a lot of children.
2 Marzo 2008 17:21