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Testo originale - Inglese - Trouble seems to appear on the horizon. A few...

Stato attualeTesto originale
Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: IngleseTurco

Categoria Letteratura - Computers / Internet

Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Trouble seems to appear on the horizon. A few...
Aggiunto da nicolas.gul
Lingua originale: Inglese

Trouble seems to appear on the horizon. A few trappers have seen smoke signals and found tracks of the Mexican army. We should start training and equipping our men.

For starters, it should be enough to expand our main building and build barracks.

Expand your main building by 2 levels and build barracks!

Keep an eye on raw material production and expand it if necessary.
12 Maggio 2008 23:58