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Testo originale - Inglese - the zipper

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Categoria Saggio - Esplorazione / Avventura

the zipper
Aggiunto da prepsannoym3
Lingua originale: Inglese

Whitcomb L. Judson invented the zipper. It all started because an elderly friend had a bad back and Judson wanted to help him out for when he needed to do/undo his shoes, with the zipper he would only have to use one hand! On August 29, 1893 he had a working model. He patented it as the “Clasp Locker”. By 1905 it was being used in the apparel industry, but it was not considered ‘practical’.
A man of the name Gideon Sundback(1880-1956). Sundback was Swedish born but lived in America. He was an employee of Judson’s when he remodelled the zipper in 1913. In 1917 it was patented as the “Hookless Fastner” then after more remodelling it was re-patened as “Separable Fastner”.
Note sulla traduzione
please dont mess it up it is for a project!!!!
1 Marzo 2006 17:01