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Testo originale - Inglese - Repayment of EDL-MLT-S-3 has 1 year grace period...

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Repayment of EDL-MLT-S-3 has 1 year grace period...
Aggiunto da cemdry
Lingua originale: Inglese

Repayment of EDL-MLT-S-3 has 1 year grace period with monthly amortizations.Repayment of new EDL-MLT-S-1 has 1 year grace period with quarterly amortizations (starting from 12th month). LC-ACC-S-2,EDL-MLT-S-1 and EDL-MLT-S-3 lines are O/L following utilization. USD 10m risk under EDL-MLT-S-4 maturing in July 2009 will be either repaid at maturity or rolled over with monthly installments.
26 Gennaio 2009 12:31